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It was the next morning and Rick was staying close to Carl, waiting for him to wake up. Denise cleaned and stitched his eye the best she could and now all we can do is wait for him to wake. I was praying for him to wake up. Daryl was holding Liam since Denise was looking at my arm. She said I probably got hit when one of the others swung and I asked her how didn't feel it and she said that it could have something to do with how much my adrenaline was running through me.

"Your arm is all bandaged." She said.

I stood up and walked outside and sat on the step, lost in my thoughts. I heard someone sit beside me but I looked to see who it was and it was Daryl with Liam.

"I was scared Daryl." I told him. "The most scared I've ever been in my life." I said, a tear falling down my right cheek.

"I know you were Maddie. I wish we got back earlier." He said. "But what matters is that you're all safe now." He added.

"What about the wall? We still have to fix it and Rick isn't in the shape to because of what happened Carl." I said, looking at him.

"We'll fix it Maddie, don't worry." He assured. "But who shot Carl in the eye?" He asked.

"Ron." I said. "He was aiming for Rick but when Michonne stabbed him, he pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Carl." I responded.

"I knew something was up with that kid." He said. "What was his problem?" He asked.

"I think he was mad at Rick for killing his father." I said.

"The man was abusing his wife and he killed Deannas husband. And he was a complete asshole" He said.

"It was his father so it's understandable why he was mad but that's no reason to try to kill someone. And Ron even fought Carl in the garage but Rick broke them up, well the walkers that broke the glass door did." I said.

"At least all of you are okay and still alive." He said, when Liam giggled a little causing us to smile.

"He loves you Daryl." I said, looking him.

"I hope so. I am his uncle after all." He said, smiling.

Liam started playing with Daryl's finger which made my smile bigger. He then fell asleep in his arms. We both walked back inside when Rick stood up. He looked at me and walked over and kissed me, catching me off guard.

"Hey! I don't want to see you kissing my sister!" Daryl exclaimed, making everyone laugh including me and Rick when we pulled out of the kiss.

"At least he loves me Daryl." I said, laughing.

"True." He agreed, nodding his head.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now