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(Warning 🔞: There's smut in this chapter. If you don't want to read it, scroll down until you see these: ~~~~~~)

I was walking into the bedroom me and Rick is sleeping in and I heard the shower running. I walked to the bedroom door and shut it then locked it. I opened the bathroom door slightly and saw Rick's figure in the shower.

"Care if I join you Rick?" I asked. He stuck his head out and smirked.

"Come on in." He said, putting his head back in. I closed the door then stripped out of my clothes. I walked to the shower and got in front of him.

"Hello there handsome." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hello babe." He said, leaning closer to my face. "What can I do for you?" He asked, dangerously close to my lips.

"Kiss me." I said.

He didn't wait another second and connected his lips with mine. He put a hand behind my head and pulled me deeper in the kiss. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I happily granted by opening my mouth slightly. He stuffed his tongue into my mouth and down my throat.

I slid my hand down to his stomach and kept it there while his other hand made its way to my heat. He started to slide his finger through my folds until he got to my clit. He rubbed in a circle on my clit while kissing down to my neck and bit down hard, leaving a mark on the skin.

"Ahh." I moaned, next to his ear. He stuffed a finger into me and thrusted it in and out of me. "Ahh fuck Rick." I moaned, putting the back of my head against the wall.

"You like that Maddie?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes I do Rick." I answered, through moans. He inserted a second finger and thrusted faster and faster, making my high start approaching. I held it in then his thrusts went faster. "I'm getting closer Rick." I moaned.

"Come for me Maddie." He said, before kissing me. I moaned in the kiss when I released around his fingers. He pulled them out and made me turn around so I was facing the wall. He aligned himself to my entrance and slowly pushed inside me. "Ahh fuck." He moaned.

"Fuck Rick." I moaned. He started thrusting into me slowly, making his hips slowly hit mine. His pace was killing me and I wanted him to go faster. "Faster Rick." I moaned. His speed started to increase and soon he was slamming into me, making my face go against the wall. "Ahh shit." I moaned. He pulled out and we got out of the shower and went into the bedroom and he laid on his back and I hovered over him.

I aligned him to my entrance and sunk down on him. I was bouncing up and down, slowly then started to go faster with him thrusting up into me while holding my hips.

"Fuck." He moaned. His thrusts started to get sloppier and I knew his high was getting closer. "Fuck I'm almost there." He moaned. "Are you getting close Maddie?" He asked, though moans.

"Yeah I am." I moaned, before releasing around him. A few more thrusts later, he released deep inside me. I pulled him out of me and laid down beside him.


We put our clothes on, well, Rick was still shirtless and he went back into the bathroom. I walked to the kitchen and then there was a knock on the door. I was about to walk to the door until Rick walked out without a beard and without a shirt.

 I was about to walk to the door until Rick walked out without a beard and without a shirt

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"I'll get it Maddie." He told me, before opening the door. I saw who it was and it was a woman with blonde hair, holding a basket full of stuff. She saw me and smiled.

"Hey. I work in the pantry. Deanna asked me to bring these to you and your friends." She said.

"Thank you." He said, grabbing the basket. "We're just cleaning up." He told her.

"I can see that. And there's also some maternity clothes in there for your wife." She said.

"Thank you." I said, smiling at her.

"I'm Jesse." She introduced herself.

"Rick, that's Maddie." Rick said, turning and smirked at me.

"Well I better get going. Nice meeting you two." She said, walking away.

"Hey Rick, need a haircut?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"Yes I do." He said, smiling at me.

"Follow me Mr. Grimes." I said, leading him to the kitchen and pulled out a stool. "Sit right here and I'll go get what I need." I said, walking away and grabbed some sheers and a comb. I walked behind him, after wrapping a towel around his neck then started cutting. Soon his hair looked like it did when I first saw him or similar to it. "What do you think? Did I do good?" I asked.

 "What do you think? Did I do good?" I asked

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"You did great. I love it." He said, standing up and kissed me passionately. "I love you Maddie." He said.

"I love you too Rick." I said, kissing him again.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now