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(Warning🔞: There's smut in this chapter. If you don't feel comfortable reading it, skip down until you see these: ~~~~~~)

Fifteen minutes passed and I quietly made my way to the bridge. I went through the door and saw Rick standing there, looking through the fence. He didn't notice my presence yet, so I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around him. He turned around with my arms still around him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"About time you got here Maddie." He said.

"Well, I had to make sure Daryl didn't see me sneaking up here." I said.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the metal sliding door and slid it open quietly. We were both inside and we closed it and luckily we had a lantern to light up the room. He put it on the shelf behind him and turned to see me pulling out an extra shirt.

"Good thinking Maddie because I might just rip that shirt right off of you." He said in his husky voice.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. Our lips were moving in sync and he backed me up against the wall. His hands moved all around my body but his right hand stopped at my crotch and roughly rubbed, adding pleasure. I pulled out of the kiss and moaned.

"Ahh." I moaned, putting the back of my head against the wall. He connected his mouth to my neck and bit down leaving another mark. He then pulled his hand away from my crotch.

"This shirt is going to have to go." He said, before ripping my tank top in half and threw it on the floor.

He then pulled my pants down, leaving me in just my bra and underwear. He put his hand back on my heat and rubbed it again. He unclipped my bra with one hand and it slid down my arms and onto the floor. He attached his mouth to my nipple and started sucking while he was still rubbing my heat but more roughly.

"Ahh Rick." I moaned. He went down on his knees and pulled my underwear down. He kissed my heat before licking up my folds and played with my clit with his tongue. He started sucking on my clit adding pleasure. "Shit." I moaned, putting my hands in his hair and tugged on it which made him groan that sent a vibration through me.

All I could hear from him was the slurping noise coming from him sucking on my clit. He stuffed his tongue into my hole and thrusted it in and out of me.

He put my left leg on his shoulder and made his tongue go deeper. He pulled his tongue out and stood up. He stuffed two fingers into me and thrusted them in and out. He connected his lips with mine, kissing me roughly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we were kissing each other like animals while he continued thrusting his fingers in and out. I felt my climax approaching and I soon released around his fingers. He pulled out of the kiss and put his fingers into his mouth.

I removed his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt throwing them on the floor with my clothes. I unbuckled his belt then removed his pants along with his boxers. I kissed his balls and up the underside of his member before kissing the tip. I wrapped my hand around the base and pumped him.

"Shit Maddie." He moaned. I wrapped my mouth around the tip and slowly took more of him into my mouth. I bobbed my head at a slow pace and started speeding up. "Ahh Maddie damn." He moaned, grabbing a fistful of my hair and thrusted into my mouth making the tip hit the back of my throat. He soon released into my mouth and I took his member out of my mouth. I swallowed before standing back up.

I put my back against the wall and he aligned himself up to my entrance and started pushing himself in. At first I felt pain but after a few minutes, the pain subsided. He grabbed my thigh and pulled it up to his hip. His thrusts started to get faster, making me moan.

"Ahh fuck Rick." I moaned, putting my hands in his hair and pulling slightly.

"Fuck Maddie." He moaned, thrusting up into me.

He pulled out and I laid down on my back and he went between my legs and pushed back into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him to go deeper.

"Right there Rick." I moaned. He started thrusting harder and faster, hitting my g-spot repeatedly. "Ahh fuck." I moaned, into his ear. He put one of my legs on his shoulder and thrusted deeper until I felt my high approaching. "I'm close Rick." I moaned.

After a few more thrusts, I released around him and he soon followed releasing deep inside me. He pulled out and collapsed beside me. He pulled me into his embrace and kissed the top of my head.


"I love you so much Maddie." He said, catching his breath.

"I love you too Rick." I said, smiling at him.

We got dressed and it was a good thing I brought another shirt. We walked out of the room and just stood on the bridge, watching the sunrise together.

"Before the whole world went to hell, I would always sit on the back porch of the place that me and Daryl stayed at just watching the sunrise and I always thought it was beautiful, well it still is, but it doesn't feel the same since the world isn't the same." I said, smiling.

"I never got the chance to watch it but at least I'm watching it with you." He said, wrapping his arm around my waist. I put my head against his shoulder and we stayed like that until the door opened. When we realized it was Daryl, we stayed how we were.

"What are you two doing?" He asked, going on the other side of me.

"We're just watching the sunrise." I said. "Like I did before the world ended." I added.

"That better be the only thing you're doing." Daryl said, glaring. He turned and smiled before walking away.

"I'm happy he didn't notice the mark on my neck from you Mr. Grimes." I said, laughing . He laughed then we went back inside. I saw Carl sitting at a table and everyone that came and joined us just exploring the prison. I walked over to talk to Carl. "Hi Carl." I said.

"What do you want Maddie?" He asked.

"Look I'm sorry for yelling at you but what you said to your father really hurt him. No parent wants to hear their own child accusing them of something they had no control over." I said. "But what I said before is true, your father had nothing to do with what happened to Lori and if he did kill the Governor at that meeting your father, my brother and Hershel would be dead and the Governors men would've came and killed us without a second thought. Your dad is trying to keep us all alive because he cares about all of us and you know that." I added.

"I guess but maybe if he did kill Andrew my mom wouldn't have died." He said.

"Carl, your mother died giving birth to Judith. She died because we didn't have any anesthesia and the medical tools that we needed." I said. "Do you think your mom would want you to blame your father? Because I don't think she would because she knows that he's doing what he can to keep us all alive." I said.

He stayed silent and I figured he needed to be by himself for a little bit to think about it because he is a young boy and everything that's happening, a child shouldn't have to go through.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now