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It was now morning and I woke up to a snoring Rick. I chuckled before shaking him awake. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled seeing me.

"Morning sleepyhead." I said, pecking his lips.

"Morning." He said, sitting up and stretched his arms out then got out of bed with me doing the same thing. I was kinda already dressed since I had to sleep in the clothes I came here in. Rick was putting his clothes on when I walked out of the room. Soon the whole group joined up and we saw Richard walking over.

"Alright let's go." He said, walking away again. We followed behind him and I was scared of what Ezekiel's answer will be. He will either help us fight the Saviors or he won't.

"This is life here. Everyday but it came at a cost. And I wanted more of this, I wanted to expand to create more places like this. Men and women lost their limbs, children lost their parents. Because I sent them into battle against the wasted when I didn't need to." Ezekiel said.

"This is different." Rick said, walking closer to him.

"It really isn't." Ezekiel said.

"It is. The dead don't rule us, the world doesn't look like this outside your walls. People don't have it as good. Some people don't have it good at all." Rick said.

"I have to worry about my people." Ezekiel responded.

"You call yourself a damn king. You sure as hell don't act like one." Daryl said.

"All of this came from a cost." Ezekiel said, walking towards Daryl. "It was lives, arms, legs." He said, turning to Rick. "The peace we have with the Saviors is uneasy but it is peace. I have to hold onto it, I have to try. Although the Kingdom can't grant you the aid you desire, the king is sympathetic to your plight. I offer our friend Daryl asylum for as long as he requires it. He will be safe here, the Saviors does not set foot inside our walls." He told us.

"How long do you think that's going to last?" Daryl asked, before walking away with us following him. He declined to help us and now we're on our own and there's no way we can beat the Saviors alone. Not with the amount of people have and not with how much guns we have and those aren't a lot. I was walking beside Rick when I got dizzy and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay Maddie?" Rick asked, which made everyone stop walking and looked at me.

"What happened?" Daryl asked, running over.

"I just got dizzy. I'm fine, just have to sit here for a second until everything stops going in a circle." I said. I took a couple deep breaths and slowly let them out. I stood up with the help of Rick and Daryl. We soon got to the gate.

"Open up, we're leaving." Daryl said.

"You're not." Rick said.

"I'm not staying here." Daryl said.

"You have to, it's the smartest play and you know that. Try to talk to Ezekiel. Try to get him into submission. Whatever it takes. We'll be back soon." Rick said, putting a hand on his shoulder. I walked up and hugged Daryl and he hugged back.

"I'll see you soon Daryl." I said, pulling away and looked at him with a smile on my face. "Bye." I said, turning around.

"Bye." He said, before the gates closed. We were walking back to the car with me and Rick next to each other. We got in and I was sitting in the passenger seat between Rick and Paul while the others were in the back.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now