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(A/N: I'm going to skip to when Maddie goes into labor.)

It's been a few days since Deanna's husband died and her giving Rick permission to kill Pete for slitting her husbands throat, which caused him to die. I was walking next to Carl when I felt something wet sliding down my legs. I looked down and saw that my water broke. I stopped Carl and that's when I had my first contraction.

"Maddie, are you okay?" Carl asked.

"Carl, take me back to the house." I told him. He didn't ask why and he put his arm around my waist and helped me walk to the house and helped me inside. "Put me on the couch." I said, breathing in and out. Once I was on the couch, Carl looked at me worried.

"Maddie, what's going on?" He asked.

"I'm in labor Carl. Go get your father and Denise." I said.

He ran outside to go find Rick and Denise, who is the active doctor here. A few minutes later, the front door slammed open and Rick ran over to me with Carl following behind him.

"Maddie, I'm here." He asked, when Denise came inside.

"How far apart is the contractions?" She asked.

"I had the first one not too long ago and I didn't have a sec-" I started to say until I had another contraction.

"Let's get her pants off and see how much she's dilated." Denise said. Soon my pants and underwear were off and Denise checked how dilated I was. "She's about three centimeters dilated. We have to wait until she's ten centimeters." She said.

"How long will that take?" I asked.

"It depends on the woman but it could take hours." She told me. "But let's get you walking to speed up the dilation progress." She said. Rick helped me stand and helped me walk around. My contractions started to get closer and Denise checked how dilated I was and I was ten centimeters. "Okay, you're fully dilated. Now when I say push, you push for ten seconds, okay?" She said. I nodded my head and got ready to push. "Push!" She said.

I pushed as hard as I can for ten seconds then breathed in and out. That continued until after one last push, the baby was out. We heard crying and I faintly smiled since I was exhausted.

"It's a boy!" She announced. I looked at Rick and saw a smile on his face.

After Denise cleaned him up, she handed him to me

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After Denise cleaned him up, she handed him to me. I looked at our son and smiled.

"Rick, he has your eyes." I said, smiling. "Here, hold him Rick." I said, handing him his son.

"What are you two going to name him?" Denise asked. Me and Rick looked at each other and we both smiled.

"Liam." Rick said, smiling.

"That's a great name." Denise said, smiling.

Soon I was in bed, relaxing since I was sore from giving birth. Rick was holding Liam in the chair next to the bed and I was looking at the sight with a smile on my face.

"That is a beautiful sight to see." I said, making him look at me. "I love you Rick and I'm sorry about your hand." I said. I'm surprised I didn't break it by how hard I squeezed it.

"I love you too Maddie." He said. "And don't worry about it, I understand that you were in a lot of pain." He said.

He stood up and walked over to me with Liam in his arms. He bent down and kissed the top of my head. Daryl then came into the room and looked at Liam.

"My turn to hold my nephew." He said, walking to Rick. "I'll put him in his crib after I spoil him for the night." He said.

Me and Rick laughed a bit at that. Rick handed Liam to Daryl and they left the room. Rick laid down next to me and we both fell asleep.

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