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I was woken up by a gunshot. I quickly got up and ran outside and saw Andrea on the RV.

"What did you shoot Andrea?!" I asked.

"I shot a walker!" She answered.

"Are you sure it was a walker?!" I asked.

"It was walking like one and it looked like one." She replied.

I decided to go see if it was a walker or not. After a little bit, I got to the body and saw that it was my brother.

"Daryl!" I shouted. I checked to see if he was still breathing and he was. "Come on Daryl." I said, wrapping his arm around my neck. Luckily, the bullet just grazed his head but that don't mean he's fine. We made it to the house and Rick came out and ran towards us.

"What the hell happened to him?" He asked, helping me.

"Andrea shot him but the bullet just grazed his head." I said, tears building up in my eyes.

We put him on the bed in another bedroom and Hershel took a look at his head.

"He's going to be unconscious for a little while and he seems to have a wound on his side that I need to stitch up." He told us.

We had to leave so he can do what he had to do. I sat on the porch step and looked out in front of me.

"I'm sorry Maddie I didn't know it was him. If I did, I wouldn't have shot." She said.

"No offense Andrea but luckily you're not that good of a shot." I said, trying not to cry.

"No offense taken." She said, walking away.

She probably lied about saying no offense taken because obviously, she was offended. I'm not trying to hurt peoples feelings, I'm just worried about my brother. The front door of the house opened but I didn't turn around to see who it was.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your brother Maddie." Beth said. I smiled slightly at her before looking away again.

"Thank you Beth." I said.

"He'll make it Maddie, my dad knows what he's doing." She assured.

"I know he does but it's just hard seeing something like that happening to your brother." I said.

"I know it can be hard and I can't act like I understand what you're going through because I don't and I know I didn't know him that long but from what I can tell is that he's a strong a man and he'll make it through." She said. She's right, Daryl is one of the strongest men of known.

"Thank you Beth, you sure know what to say to make someone feel better." I said, smiling a bit. "Your dad is lucky to have a daughter like you." I added.

"And Daryl's lucky to have you a sister." She replied. She then left and went back inside while I walked to the fence and leaned against it.

"Hi Maddie." I heard Glenn said behind me.

"Hi Glenn, long time no see." I responded. "Ever since we came here, we haven't spoken but I've noticed how you look at Maggie." I said, smirking. "You like her don't ya Glenn?" I asked.

"What? No, I don't like her that way Maddie." He defended.

"That's what they all say until they get caught making out with each other somewhere." I said, chuckling.

"I just met her couple days ago." He said, still being defensive.

"It doesn't take long to form feelings for someone." I said. "At least, that's what happened with me before." I added, laughing.

"But I don't have feelings for Maggie but I do want to get to know her better and hopefully we can be friends." He said.

"I'm just playing with you Glenn, you know that." I said.

"I know Maddie." He said, laughing slightly.

"You're a good man Glenn. Any girl would want to date you." I said.

"Thank you and any guy would want you Maddie." He said.

"That's if they can get past Daryl first because he's very protective of me ever since that one incident but it was before the CDC." I said.

"It's understandable. You're a beautiful girl, so he's got to protect you." He said, when someone walked to us. We turned to see Maggie coming towards us.

"I have to go get some supplies that my dad needs. Do you want to come with me Glenn?" Maggie asked Glenn. I was hiding a smile and looked at Glenn.

"Uhh yeah, I'll go with you." He responded.

They both then left after Lori told Glenn something, which caused me to get curious. I walked over to Lori and she smiled when she saw me.

"Are you okay Lori" I asked, worried and curious.

"Can I tell you something?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course you can." I answered.

"I may be pregnant but I'm scared." She said.

"Why are you scared? You had Carl." I asked, slightly confused.

"It's because I don't want to bring a child into this kind of world." She said. I feel like she's worried about something else other than that.

"I understand that but don't worry." I assured her.

"Thank you Maddie." She said.

"I'll be here if you need me Lori." I said, smiling.

"Thank you so much Maddie." She said, hugging me. I hugged her back slowly when Rick came.

"Maddie, Daryl's awake." Rick told me.

"Thank you for telling me Rick." I said, before running to the house and ran inside. "Daryl." I said, when I got in the the bedroom. He looked at me and smiled slightly. "I'm so glad you're okay, I was worried." I said, smiling at him.

"Told you I'll be okay and not to worry." He said.

"But look at you." I said. "You have a wound that needed stitches in your side and you had a bullet graze your head." I told him.

"I know Maddie, you don't have to remind me." He said, before readjusting causing him to groan.

"What happened to you out there?" I asked, sitting in the chair beside the bed.

"I fell down a hill and landed on one of my arrows and I'm pretty sure I was unconscious for a bit and I woke up to a walker biting my shoe." He told me.

"A walker was there?" I said.

"That's what I just said but don't worry his teeth didn't go through my shoe." He said. I sighed before hugging him.

"All that matters is that you're okay minus your wounds." I said.

"I'm not gonna leave you by yourself especially with an asshole named Shane." He said.

I then had to leave so Hershel can check on him and also because I can't sleep in here. I laid down in my tent and closed my eyes, smiling that my brother is okay.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now