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(Trigger Warning ⚠️: Mention of Rape.)

We were soon walking on a railroad. Carl was balancing on the rails with Michonne, while me and Rick was walking in silence. We came up to a train car and saw a banner on the side. There was also a map showing where it's at.


"What do you think Rick?" Michonne asked.

"Let's go." He responded. We started walking to the place that's supposed to be safe. I stopped and bent backwards a bit, causing Rick to worry. "Are you okay Maddie?" He asked.

"Yeah just back pain, don't worry." I assured him. We continued walking and it was starting to turn dark. We found a truck and we decided to sleep in that since we don't want to be out here at night. Michonne and Carl were in the car sleeping while me and Rick was sitting on the side of the road beside a low fire just talking. "Rick you are one of the strongest men I have ever met." I told him.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah. You traveled a long time with those injuries and I know they hurt. If I had those kinds of injuries, I'll just be laying there and not wanting to move an inch." I said, chuckling.

"You helped me through it. So did Carl." He said, looking at Carl through the windshield.

"We care about you Rick. If only I knew you before the apocalypse." I said, getting closer to him. "But at least I met you." I said, as he put out the fire. He then looked at me then started leaning in to kiss me until we heard a noise in the woods. "What was that?" I asked, standing up with Rick. We looked around but didn't see anything but yet it was hard to see since it's dark.

"It was probably an animal that got spooked." He said. We sat back down and started talking.

"I just wonder if Daryl is still alive. I hope he is." I said, looking down.

"He's a strong and smart man Maddie, I know he's still alive. Don't lose hope." He assured.

"I won't lose hope, I'm just worried is all." I said. A gun was then put against mine and Rick's head.

"Oh deary me." The man holding a gun to Rick's head said. "You screwed up, asshole." The man said. "You hear me? You screwed up." He said, again.

I turned my head and saw Rick getting mad if he wasn't already.

"Today is a day of reckoning, sir! Restitution, a balancing of the whole damn universe." The man continued. I looked over at the truck and saw a man at the door where Carl was. "Shit. I was thinking of turning in for the night on New Years Eve!" The man said. "Now who's gonna count down the ball dropper with me, huh?!" He shouted.

I was getting more scared every second but more worried about what that man is gonna do to Carl.

"Ten Mississippi!" The man counted down. "Nine Mississippi!" He continued. "Eight Mississippi!" He shouted.

"Joe!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I turned my head and saw Daryl walking this way. Daryl looked at us and his eyes stopped on me. "Hold up." He said, before the man named Joe interrupted him.

"You're stopping me on eight, Daryl." He said, looking at Daryl.

"Just hold up." Daryl responded.

"This is the guy who killed Lou, so we got nothing to talk about." The man that's holding a gun to my head said.

"The thing about nowadays is we got nothing but time." Joe said. "Say your peace Daryl." He said.

"These people..." Daryl began to say. "You're gonna let them go." He said. "These are good people." He continued.

"Now I think Lou would disagree with you on that." Joe said. I was trying to keep my tears in. "I'll, of course, have to speak for him and all because your friend here, strangled him in a bathroom." He added.

"You want blood." Daryl said. "I get it. Take it from me man, come on." Daryl said.

"This man killed our friend. You say he's good people, see that right there is a lie. It's a lie!" Joe exclaimed.

They then started to beat Daryl, which made the tears fall from my eyes. I heard the truck door open and the man started pulling Carl out of the truck and pushed him to the ground on his stomach.

"Leave him be!" Rick shouted, trying to run over to Carl. I moved to help Carl but the man made me sit back down.

"You'll get yours, you just have to wait." The man in front of me said.

"It's just me. It's just me." Rick said.

"First we'll beat Daryl to death then we'll have the girl then the boy. Then I'm going to shoot you then we'll be square." Joe said.

"Let him go." Rick said.

Rick then slammed his head hard against Joe's abdomen. Rick started fighting Joe and the man in front of me got distracted and so I stood up and kicked him, making him fall. I grabbed his gun and shot him in the head. I turned and saw Rick bite out a part of Joe's throat then spit it out.

 I turned and saw Rick bite out a part of Joe's throat then spit it out

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Daryl took the opportunity and killed the others that was beating him.

"Let the boy go." I said, aiming the gun at the man.

"I got him." Rick said, walking to the man.

The man let go of Carl and he ran to me and I had my arms around him. Rick stabbed the man in the stomach and started yanking it upwards, cutting the man open. He removed the knife and continuously stabbed him in the chest. Daryl went against the truck and watched.

"Rick, he's dead." I said, trying to make him stop because of Carl. He stopped and went to Carl and pulled him into a hug. I went to Daryl and hugged him.

"I'm so happy that you're alive Daryl." I said, against his chest.

"I'm glad you're alive as well Maddie. I thought I lost you." He said, hugging me tight.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now