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Paul's POV:

I was soon in the Kingdom and I was looking for Daryl and I soon found him. I walked over, scared of his reaction when I tell him about what happened to his sister.

"Daryl, we need to talk." I said, standing in front of him.

"What do you need?" He asked, looking at his knife. This is harder than I thought it would be.

"It's about Maddie." I said. When I mentioned Maddie, he looked up at me and I saw worry in his eyes.

"What about my sister? What the hell happened to her?" He asked, standing up which to be honest scared me.

"The Saviors took her when they were looking for you. But Rick wanted me to make sure you don't do anything that could jeopardize her life." I said.

"How can I not do anything?! He has my fucking sister! I need to get her back!" He shouted.

"I know! Rick is planning how to get her back without putting her life in danger! But if you do anything, he could do something to her and knowing Negan it won't be anything good!" I shouted back. "I understand, she's your sister! But we can't just do something since that could anger him and that's not what we want! Rick says he's using her for leverage because she's someone we all care about and don't want anything happening to!" I added.

"I can't just sit back while he has my sister!" He shouted. He started to walk away before I stopped him by grabbing him and pushing him against the wall.

"That's all we can do right now! If you do something, he will probably kill her and I know you don't want that happening to her! So just wait until Rick and the others comes up with a plan!" I shouted back.

Maddie's POV:

I was currently following Negan around the Sanctuary and we walked outside and saw Eugene carrying a jar of pickles. While Negan was talking to Eugene, I was looking around but stopped when I saw people in the fenced area with the walkers. After a few minutes, I heard Negan calling me.

"Come on doll." He said. Me and Eugene made eye contact but only for a brief second. Negan brought me back to my room and told me to stay there. That means I'm going my to get bored. I have nothing to do in here beside look out the window or take a nap. I decided to just sleep for a little bit to pass the time. I took my boots off and laid on the bed, which felt like a cloud.

I woke up a few hours later and I saw that it was now dark. I got off the bed and changed into the pajamas I found very comfortable. I heard a knock on the door and I walked over and opened it, revealing David.

"Nice room Maddie. We could have some fun in here." He said. I shouldn't talk to him since I'm not allowed to. "Not going to speak?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me. I was getting closer and closer to hitting him in a certain area that I know he doesn't want to get hit at. His hands were starting to move down but before they got anywhere, I lifted my knee and slammed my knee into his crotch making him fall to the floor in pain. "You bitch!" He shouted. If Negan is asleep, he's awake from David shouting.

"Don't touch me again or else I would do something worse than that." I said, glaring.

"You belong to me Maddie." He said, before standing up even with the pain and made me back up to the bed and I fell onto it. I was trying to get further from him but this man wouldn't give up. He started removing his belt but before he was able to finish that, there was a bang at the door which was still open.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Negan asked. I never thought I'll do this but I quickly got off the bed and went to Negan and went behind him, hiding behind him.

"Sir I—" David began to say before Negan stopped him.

"Do you think I need you to answer that?" Negan said. "Were you trying to rape this woman?" He asked. I grabbed the back of Negans shirt which surprised the hell out of me because I didn't think I'll do that. Negan didn't seem to care. David didn't respond. "You know I can just ask Maddie what you were going to do because she hasn't lied to me yet and I don't think she's going to start now because she knows what will happen if she does." He added.

That's true. I know I shouldn't lie to him because he could easily kill someone else. Hell I feel like telling him what David did to me in that cell.

"Negan." I said. He turned and looked at me.

"Yes doll?" He asked.

"He was trying to rape me. And he raped me when I was in that cell." I told him. Negan turned and looked at David and he didn't look happy.

"Sir. She's ly—" David started to say before Negan interrupted him.

"Shut it!" Negan shouted. "Rape is against the rules here and I wouldn't want to be where it wasn't. And you know her husband is definitely not going to like to hear what you did." He said. "Come here David." He said. I feel like I know what's going to happen. Negan might be an evil person but he has morals.

"I'm sorry sir." David said, scared. Negan didn't reply instead he slide his knife into David's neck then spoke.

"I do not accept your apology." He said, pulling his knife out and David's limp body fell to the floor. I was still holding onto Negans shirt and I looked at David's body on the floor.

I then let go of his shirt and he turned around and looked at me. I had tears in my eyes but not from Negan killing David but what David was going to do. What I did next surprised me and it surprised him as well. I hugged him. I hugged Negan, the enemy but I guess I wanted to say thank you for saving me from him.

"You're okay now doll but if you don't feel comfortable sleeping in here right now, you can come sleep in the room with me. Don't worry Doll I'm not going to do anything." He said. I was thinking about it and I nodded my head because I don't want to sleep in this room tonight. We walked to his room and laid down in his bed. I laid awake for a little bit then fell asleep without realizing. Never thought I'll be sleeping next to Negan.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now