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While driving, we heard a squealing noise.

"What's that sound?" Sasha asked.

"It sounds like it's coming from the RV." I said, from the back. Maggie started sweating and I stood up and felt her forehead. "Shit." I mumbled.

"What?" Aaron asked.

"She has a fever." I told him.

"I'll go tell Rick." He said, walking to Rick. We then came to a stop and I stood up and looked through the windshield from where I was. I saw more Saviors but there were more than before. We won't be able to get to Hilltop like this and Maggie needs to get Dr. Carson. We started moving again and Rick was in the back this time and I was in the front watching out the windshield.

We soon came to a stop again when there was logs blocking the way this time and I stayed in the RV with Maggie while the others went to look around. I heard someone yell and I ran to the front of the RV and saw someone hand off a bridge with a chain wrapped around his neck. I saw the logs catching on fire.

"Rick look behind you!" I shouted. They all turned and saw the burning logs.

"You're treating your people good right?" I heard a Savior say. "Like it was your last day on earth? Or maybe one of theirs? You better go. It's gonna get hot. You go get where you're going." He added.

"Go, go." Rick said. They all then ran back into the RV and we left.

"How are we supposed to get to Hilltop if the Saviors keep blocking our paths?" I asked, sitting down.

"I don't know but we'll find a way." Rick said. We soon came to a stop.

"What's the play?" Abraham asked.

"She needs a doctor." Rick said.

"There are two more routes north from here." Sasha said.

"They're probably there waiting for us to come. They have so far. I think they're blocking every path possible to the Hilltop." I said.

"She's right." Rick said.

"There's only one way I can think of that we can get her to Hilltop and that's carrying her and going through the woods. It'll take awhile but it's better than driving everywhere trying to get around them." I said.

"That's what we'll do, take her on foot." Rick said.

Rick was putting the last of the gas in the RV and I stepped out and walked to him.

"Thank you for this. For all of it. We're lucky you're here." Rick said.

"I won't argue with that." Eugene said. I walked with Rick and he turned and saw me. He put the gas can down and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm nervous about what we're about to do but we're doing for Maggie. I don't want her losing that baby." I said, with my head against his chest.

"You're not the only one." He said, making me look at him. He leaned down and kissed me. Rick went inside to get Maggie. Rick, Aaron, Abraham and I are carrying the little bed then went into the woods with Carl with us to kill any walkers that was walking towards us.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now