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Noah was sitting on the ground while me and Tyreese were standing, facing him while looking around a bit.

"I wanted to die for what I lost. Who I had lost. I stepped out into a crowd of those things just trying to take it all out on them until they took me. Put them all in front of me so I didn't see anything but I just kept going." Tyreese said. "And then later, I was there for Judith when she needed me. I saved her. I brought her back to her dad. And that wouldn't have happened if I had just given up...if I hadn't chosen to live." He added.

"I lost my brother when we were at the prison. A man that went by the Governor killed him because he left his group and came to ours. Daryl saw him as a walker and had to put him down but when Daryl told me, I broke down and I didn't know if I wanted to continue living. But I thought about everyone that I would hurt if I did leave. I thought about Rick, Carl, everyone especially Daryl. I didn't want him to lose another sibling and leave him more broken than he already was." I said. "I thought that Merle would want to live through me if I stayed alive and kept going. That's the reason I'm still here. I'm still here for everyone no matter how broken I am. Me and Merle may not have been close but he was still my brother and I loved him. I wouldn't be here, pregnant with this little one if I gave up." I said, rubbing my belly.

"Noah, this isn't the end." Tyreese said, touching Noah's shoulder. He then started standing up. "There you go." He said, helping Noah stand up. Noah looked straight and started walking. "Hey, we should-" Tyreese said. Noah began to run again. "Noah." Tyreese said, wrapping his arm around me and we started running after Noah down the street. I had my arm on Tyreese tighter.

We continued running until we arrived at a house with blue siding that looked untouched from the outside.

"This is my house." Noah said.

"You don't wanna go in there." Tyreese said.

"Yes I do." Noah said.

"If you go in there and see what's in there, will you be able to handle it?" I asked.

"I have to go in." Noah said. "Please let me see it." Noah said. I looked down then at Tyreese.

"Come on, let's go but don't go too far from us please." I said.

He nodded his head and we walked inside with our knives out. Tyreese went in first after banging on the wall to check any walkers came out then Noah then me. We saw a body on the floor in what I guess was the living room. Noah stood there for a little bit just looking at the body then walked over to it and crouched down.

I watched while looking around to make sure there wasn't walkers coming. Noah began talking to the body after covering it with the blanket that was around. I looked to see Tyreese walking down the hallway.

"Did you hear something Tyreese?" I asked.

"I don't know but stay here with him." He told me.

I nodded my head and looked back at Noah. A couple minutes later, I heard Tyreese yell out. I ran down the hallway with Noah behind me. I went into a room and saw a walker biting Tyreese in the arm. I ran over and stabbed it in the head, killing it. I looked at it and saw it was a child. I then went to Tyreese and looked at the bite on his arm.

"Oh my god Tyreese." I said, tears in my eyes. "Noah, go get the others, I'll stay here with him." I said, looking at Noah.

He ran out and I stayed with Tyreese. I put pressure on the bite wound to slow down the bleeding. I would amputate it but I don't have anything that could cut through bone, it'll take forever with my knife and a lot more pain than using an axe.

"Stay with me Tyreese, keep your eyes open." I said, looking at him.

I heard a walker behind me and I turned and it was close to biting me but I grabbed it's head and slammed it hard against the table then stabbed it in the head to make sure it was dead. I heard another walker coming into the room.

"Fucks sake!" I shouted, standing up and stabbed the first walker and the other walker made me fall onto my back on the floor, which made me drop my knife. "Shit." I said, looking at Tyreese. I looked around for anything close by and Tyreese slid his hammer towards me and I grabbed it, slamming it into the walkers head as soon as Rick and the others came inside. Glenn pulled the walker off me and stabbed it in the head just in case. Glenn and Rick held Tyreese's arm up and Michonne cut it off. I slid myself so my back was against the wall.

We started leaving the house with Rick and Glenn helping Tyreese and Noah was helping me. We went to the gate and started breaking the chain. Rick and Glenn went to help Michonne with the walkers while Noah held Tyreese up. I suddenly got weak and the last thing I remember was Rick running to me after killing the walkers.

"Maddie!" Rick shouted, before I blacked out.

I woke up in the back of the car with my head on Glenn's legs.

"What happened?" I asked, trying to clear my vision more.

"You blacked out Maddie and we're driving Tyreese so we can get his arm cauterized." Glenn told me. I started crying thinking that we could end up losing Tyreese. I sat up and wrapped my arms around Glenn with him doing the same thing while rubbing my back. We then started to pull over. We got out of the car and Rick saw that I was awake and hugged me before going to Tyreese.

I saw that he died and I started crying again. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. They started burying Tyreese while everyone was watching and Rick had his arm around me. I looked at Sasha and she was crying nonstop, which is understandable. We each put a shovel of dirt over him and when Daryl came back he pulled me into a hug and I cried into his vest.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now