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I was walking around Alexandria, just taking everything in. This looks just like everything before the walkers showed up. I miss the world before but this is the world we live in now. I saw a boy who looked to be in his teens walking towards me.

"Hello you're Maddie, right?" He asked.

"Yes I am. Who are you?" I asked, cautious.

"I'm Ron. My mom said that you have a son around my age." Ron said.

"He's my step-son but he is." I said. "Let me guess you want to meet him?" I asked.

"Yeah I do." He replied.

We started walking to the house and I went inside while he waited on the porch.

"Carl, someone wants to meet you." I told him. "He's on the porch." I added. He nodded his head and handed me Judith before walking outside. "Look at you, looking all cute. Who gave you permission to look cuter than me?" I asked, chuckling which made her giggle.

"Having fun Maddie?" Glenn asked, walking towards me.

"Yeah but she looks more cuter than me without my permission." I said. Glenn laughed at that. "She wants you to hold her now." I said, seeing her look at Glenn. I handed her to him and he looked like a father holding her.

"Hey there Judith." He said, when she grabbed his finger and started playing with it.

"She really loves fingers and hair." I said, smiling.

"At least she's having fun." He said.

We walked outside and sat down on the swinging chair that was on the porch and just looked out at the street.

"Maddie, what kind of neighborhood did you live in before this?" He asked.

"It wasn't a big neighborhood like this one. There was a few houses here and there but everyone knew each other. I had to drive all the way to Atlanta because that's where I worked. Sometimes I had to spend the night there which I didn't like because I wasn't a city person." I said.

"Sounds like you miss your old neighborhood. To be honest, I do too." He said, looking at me.

"Yeah even though I knew everyone there I only had one friend." I said.

"It's fine to have one friend sometimes that's all you need." He said, when Rick walked out of the house.

"Hi Rick. I didn't know you were still in the house, I thought you were exploring." I said.

"Now you know but I'm about to go explore if you want to come with me." Rick said.

"Go ahead, I'll watch Judith." Glenn said.

Me and Rick smiled before walking around Alexandria, just looking around while holding hands.

"Rick, did I ever tell you about what happened when I went to Atlanta on my way to the store?" I asked.

"What happened?" He asked, curious.

"Well, I turned on this road and I saw a cop car and two officers in front of the car with the hood up. So being the nice person I am, I pulled over to see if they needed any help. They told me their battery died and so I offered to jumpstart it with my truck." I said. "I pulled my truck up in front of the car and connected the jumper cables to the car battery and the truck battery and let it do what it had to do. While we were waiting, one of the officers looked like you and he was-" I said, before I widened my eyes. "Wait, it was you and Shane! I knew I recognized the both of you." I said.

"Wait, were the one that drove that black pick-up truck?" He asked. We both stopped walking at this point.

"Yeah. I had shorter brown hair at the time." I said.

"That's where I saw you. So, we did know each other before all this, well, not each other's names but we saw each other." He said.

"Wow, I helped you and you forgot about me." I said, joking.

"You forgot about me too." He defended himself.

"Okay that's true, you're off the hook this time." I said, chuckling. He laughed along with me and pecked my lips. "Now let's keep walking Mr. Grimes." I said.

"Okay Mrs. Grimes." He said, smiling at me.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now