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Judith is now four and Liam is three. They're growing up too fast. I was outside with Liam and Judith. Judith was painting while Liam was kinda painting but instead of putting the paint on a cardboard, he put it on his clothes.

"Liam, don't paint your clothes." I said, chuckling. "Do you want to tell me about your painting Judith?" I asked.

"That's our house. That's Aunt Maggie and the King." Judith said. "And all of our friends." She added.

"Who is that grumpy face?" Rick asked. Judith turned and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"You get grumpy, little face." Judith said. I was holding in my laugh.

"You're doing a grumpy face?" Rick asked.

"He has a happy face too." I said.

"There's going to be his big tummy." Judith said, painting Rick's tummy. I couldn't hold in my laugh any longer. I was laughing hard while looking at Rick.

"That's daddy's big tummy?" Rick asked, walking over.

We then went to a field with tall grass. I was holding Liam and Rick was holding Judith. We walking through it and a lot of birds flew up in the sky.

"Look at those." I said, pointing at the birds.

"It's birds mommy and daddy." Liam said, smiling.

"Yes it is little man." Rick said. We stood there watching the birds fly around in a formation. Liam and Judith had huge smiles on their faces while watching them. I lifted Liam up and threw him up a little bit but not too high, which made him start giggling.

"Mommy!" Liam shouted. Me and Rick was smiling at Liam having fun.

"Do me daddy." Judith said.

"You ready?" He asked her. She nodded her head and he threw in the air a bit. I put Liam on my shoulders and held onto him. "Let's head back now." He said, putting Judith on his back. We started walking back to Alexandria and put Liam and Judith on the floor for them to play with their toys.

"Thank you for watching them while we go out for a bit." I said.

"It's no problem at all." Michonne said, smiling at them.

"You two be good for Michonne okay? Listen to her." I said, kissing the top of their heads. Me and Rick then left to go into town. We were on horses and we each had a melee weapon to hit the walkers with while we're sitting on the horse. We ran up next to walkers and hit their heads then did the same thing to a couple others.

A few other people joined up with us and we began moving again. We came to a stop in front of a museum and got off the horses. We went to the door and Rick got ready to open the door. I gave him the signal and he opened it then whistled. A walker stuck its head out and I hit it in the head, killing it. I peeked inside but didn't see anymore walkers.

"We're good for now." I said, whispering. "Sweep protocol when we get inside." I added. Me and Rick opened the two doors and we quietly walked inside. I walked a bit further and heard a walker. I turned and saw the walker trying to climb over a desk but wasn't succeeding at it. I walked further and came to a round room. I looked up at the pictures and banners and remembered a time when I was last at a museum.

"You all got your lists. Circle back here when you're done. Be safe." Rick said. I was with Rick and a few others. We walked down a flight of stairs and walked into a dark hallway. I walked straight into a spiderweb and quickly started getting it off my face. "There's a spiderweb right there." Rick said.

"Ha ha ha. A little too late to tell me." I said, glaring at him. He lightly chuckled before we started walking again. We then heard a walker and Siddiq fall. I ran over and killed the walker and helped Siddiq up.

"Thanks." He thanked me.

"No problem Siddiq." I said. I looked down and saw a lot of little spiders walking across the floor. I'm terrified of spiders but I have to stay calm.

"You okay?" Rick asked.

"Yeah." Siddiq answered. We went further and Gabriel killed a walker. I looked at the wall and saw the Human Evolution. The walker was at the end of the evolution.

"Wow Gabriel, that is the end of the human evolution." I said, chuckling. He chuckled along before we started walking again. Rick opened a set of double doors and we walked inside. We started searching the room I was looking through cabinets and something popped out and scared the living hell out of me. "Son of a bitch. You damn thing." I said, hitting hit.

We made our way back and found a wagon. We were trying to get it down the stairs without breaking it and without making too much noise which was hard because it was so damn heavy and big. Me and Daryl were holding onto the rope from behind it while Rick was beside it. We also have to go slow over the glass floor. True before the apocalypse the glass was maybe a good idea but now it's not that good of an idea because of the weight of the wagon could break it and fall down below where a herd of walkers are.

Rick made us stop moving to examine the way ahead of us. Me and Daryl and few others were holding the rope as much as we can, using all of our strength while Rick slightly moved in front of it, onto the glass. We were slightly losing the wagon but got ahold of it. We heard cracking sounds coming from the glass. I heard the glass make more cracking noise and I looked down and saw marks on the glass. We got the wagon across the glass and Maggie was bringing something else over with someone else helping her.

Daryl was still on the steps and Rick slowly walked back over to him. I was watching as Rick and Daryl carry the canoe and Ezekiel was on the glass as well. I was worried the glass is going to break. Carol and Ezekiel went and grabbed the other thing, that I don't know what you call it, and started carrying it over slowly.

"It's going to go!" Rick shouted, a second before the glass broke and Ezekiel fell through. I carefully walked over, after wrapping a rope around my waist. I laid down on my stomach and reached my hand to Ezekiel so he can grab it and so I can pull him up.

"Grab my hand Ezekiel." I said. He grabbed my hand while the others were holding onto the rope that was connected to him. I was cutting arm but that's the least of my worries at the moment. I had to hurry up and get Ezekiel out of there. Daryl was holding my other arm to keep me from falling in. Ezekiel was soon back on the glass and we quickly got off of it.

I bent down and put my hands on my knees from what happened. After calming down from that, we left the museum and began packing the things up. Rick came up to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. He pulled away slightly and placed his lips onto mine. He kissed me like it was going to be his last. We pulled away and I smiled at him.

"Let me see your arm Maddie." He said. I lifted my arm and he looked at the cuts from the glass. "Siddiq when we get back, fix up her arm." Rick told Siddiq.

"Okay." He said, nodding his head. Rick helped me onto my horse and he got on his then we started heading back.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now