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We were stopped in the middle of a dirt road with no water and little food. I stayed at the car with Noah while the others went looking for water. The others except for Maggie, Daryl and Sasha came back. I sat next to Rick on the ground with my head against him.

"Are you okay Maddie?" He asked, worried.

"I've been better but I'm fine." I replied.

He kissed the top of my head and put his head against mine. We saw the other three walking our way and by the looks of it, they didn't find any either. We started driving again and once we were a few miles on the road, the car ran out of gas.

"We're out just like the other one." Abraham said.

"Then we walk." Rick said.

We got out and started walking in the blazing hot sun. I was beside Rick because he wanted to stay close to me just in case something happens. We had a long ways to go to get to Washington and it's still over 50 miles. We've been on the road switching cars, looking for supplies, etc. I was getting tired but I have to keep going even though I felt like I was slowing them down but didn't let that get to me.

Daryl looked behind us and saw walkers on the road coming towards us.

"We're not at our strongest. We'll get them when it's best." Rick said. He was carrying Judith. "High ground something like that." He added.

I was hoping we get somewhere where we can find water and food and was hoping it's close.

"She's hungry." Daryl said, which gave me an idea.

"Rick, since I'm pregnant I can try to feed her." I said. He looked at me and nodded his head. He handed me Judith and I pulled one side of my shirt down and she connected herself to me. Rick pulled out his jacket and put it on me so no one sees under my shirt.

We continued walking while I was feeding her until Daryl spoke.

"I'm gonna head out." Daryl said. "See what I can find." He added.

"I'll go with you." Carol said.

"I got it." Daryl said, walking away.

"You gonna stop me?" Carol said, following him. They both went into the woods and continued walking.

"I didn't think about letting you feed her, I didn't even know you could breastfeed while you were pregnant." Rick said.

"I didn't know either but I had to try it so at least she can have something to eat." I said. "And I think it's working but she's a biter." I said, chuckling. He chuckled along with me and soon she let go. "You can take the jacket off me, she's done and I think she's happy now." I said, looking at her smile.

"I think so too." He said, petting her head.

I handed Judith to Carl and we continued walking. I looked behind us and saw the walkers getting closer to us. We started speeding up a bit and soon they were far from us again.

We came to a stop at a bridge and I rested for a bit while Rick and the others came up with a plan to get rid of the walkers behind us. Rick had me, Gabriel, Maggie, Eugene, Rosita, Carol, Carl, Noah and Judith stand at the other side while they pushed the walkers off the bridge. I saw Sasha stab a walker in the head and that messed up the plan and now they have to kill them and that's a risk because we're not at our best right now.

Rick was about to get bit until Daryl pulled it off him and killed it. All the walkers were soon dead and they started walking to us. I wanted to hit Sasha for putting them in danger for what she did. I understand she lost her brother but so did me and Daryl. But we didn't do anything to put the others in danger. We walked farther until we saw vehicles on the road.

"I'm gonna head into the woods and circle back." Daryl told us.

"May I come with?" Carol asked.

"No." Daryl replied. "No, just me." He added.

We went to the the cars and looked inside them for anything we could use and to see if they'll start.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now