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It was soon morning and some of us was in the RV while the others were in the car that Eric drove. I was sitting in the RV, watching Maggie, Eugene and Glenn play some card game which I'm pretty sure is poker.

"I'm going to go give Eric a pill." Noah told me.

"Okay." I said, smiling at him.

He got up and grabbed the pill bottle and a water bottle then walked to the back.

"Abraham, look." Rosita said. I looked too and saw Washington. It looked like it is still standing like the walkers didn't exist.

"How much farther do we have to go?" Abraham asked.

"It looks like we're a little over halfway there, why?" Rosita asked.

"We can make it." Abraham said, looking at the meters in front of the steering wheel. We came to a stop on the road and we got out.

"What happened?" I asked Abraham.

"It broke down." He told me.

Glenn went and tried to fix it which brought back memories of when he worked on the RV we had before. I walked to the side of the road and sat down, slowly. I looked to my left and saw Rick looking at me. I winked at him making him wink back at me. We're still teasing each other to see who can last the longest without doing anything.

Abraham and Glenn got the RV running and we all cheered. Abraham came back out and walked to me.

"Need help?" He asked, sticking his hands out.

"I'm afraid I do." I said, chuckling. I grabbed his arms and he pulled me onto my feet. "Thank you." I thanked him.

"No problem." He said. I got in the RV with Abraham behind me. We then started moving again.

"Maddie, how old are you?" Noah asked. I saw Abraham looking at me through the rear view mirror, waiting for me to answer.

"I'm 31." I said.

"I thought you were about 20." Noah said.

"I get that a lot. I just look younger than I really am." I said, chuckling. "How old are you Noah?" I asked.

"I'm 17." He said.

"You're young." I said. "Sometimes I wish I was younger but sadly I can't turn back time." I said, chuckling.

"I think we all wish we could turn back time." Noah said, chuckling as well.

After a little while, we came up to a wall that looked stable and strong. We all got out and walked to the gate and stood there waiting. I walked to Rick who just got Judith out of the car and I stood next to him. He handed me Judith and I bounced her up and down making her smile and giggle. She looked at Ricks beard and tried to grab it.

"Rick, I think she wants to grab your beard and play with it." I told, chuckling. "Do you want daddy's beard?" I asked her. She giggled as an answer then grabbed my hair and pulled it. "Ow that's my hair you're pulling young lady." I said, laughing and trying to get my hair loose. She didn't let go just kept pulling it. "Now I think she wants to remove the hair off my head." I said, laughing.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now