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I was in my cell when someone called my name. I stood up and saw Glenn coming towards me.

"Maddie." He said, when he arrived in front of me.

"What is it Glenn?" I asked.

"Remember Tyreese and the others?" He asked.

"Yeah, what about them?" I asked, wondering where he's going with this.

"Come with me. I have to show you something." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. We soon came to the part of the prison we cleared out.

"What are we doing here Glenn?" I asked.

"This is where Tyreese said that they came in through but this part is already clear so that means that there's a part of the prison that's breached." He said. I took in what he said and widened my eyes.

"If walkers can just walk in, that means armed men can just come in and kill all of us. We can't let that happen." I said, worried.

"But how are we going to block it if we're able to clear out the walkers there, there'd be too many walkers for us too kill." Glenn replied.

"We have to tell Rick about this." I said. We walked back to our cell block to tell Rick. "Do you know where Rick is?" I asked Beth.

"He's outside." She told us.

"Thank you." I said. I went outside and saw him sitting on the table. "Rick." I said, when I got to him. He turned and saw me then smiled.

"Hi Maddie." He said, scooting over for me to sit down. I sat beside him and looked at him.

"Rick, there's something you should know about." I said.

"What is it?" He asked, curious.

"Tyreese, he said that they came in through the gym but that area is cleared and Glenn told me that there could be another breach in the prison. If walkers are able to just stroll in then armed men can." I said. He looked straight before speaking.

"How are we supposed to fix that?" He asked.

"We could try to reinforce it with the metal out here, like the tables and maybe something else." I said.

"I guess we can try." Rick said.

Rick then walked in the prison, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I saw movement in the forest but shook it off as walkers passing by. I was thinking about what me and Daryl were doing when all this happened.

We were in the woods, moving slowly so we don't scare away any animals that was around. I saw a deer next to a tree and motioned Daryl to stop moving.

"Right there Daryl." I whispered, pointing at the deer.

"Go ahead and shoot it." Daryl said, kneeling down. I brought my rifle up and aimed at the deer. "Use my crossbow." Daryl said, handing me his crossbow. I handed him the rifle and aimed at the deer again. I was aiming at the heart and once I was steady, I shot the deer and hitting it in the heart. It fell to the ground and we walked to it and saw that it wasn't moving. "Great job Maddie." Daryl said.

We brought the deer to the truck when we heard groaning behind us. We turned and saw someone, with what seemed like a bite mark on their neck.

"What the hell?" I said. He got closer and tried to bite Daryl but I shoved my knife into its head before he could. The body fell to the ground and we looked at it. "His neck was open and exposing the throat. How the hell was he walking like that? And he has no color in his face like there's no blood going to his head." I said, confused.

"I think he was dead but came back but why was the fucker going to bite me?" Daryl said.

"Daryl, I think we're dealing with the undead." I said.

"That shit ain't real." Daryl said.

"That's the only explanation I can think of but I don't think we should stick around to find out." I said.

"Hey you two, we've got to get out of here!" Merle shouted. We then left and met up with a group of people and settled at a quarry.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a gunshot. I looked and saw Axel fall dead.

"Shit!" I shouted, running inside.

I grabbed my gun and went outside with everyone else, except for Hershel and Beth since they're with Judith. I saw Daryl and Merle show up at the fence.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now