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Daryls POV:

We were riding done the road in silence and I drove down a dirt road.

"That was the way back there." Rick said. I stayed silent. "Pull over. Pull over!" He said. I came to a sudden stop. He got off and I did too, slamming the bike down on the ground. "What is this?" He asked.

"You know exactly what this is." I said, pointing at him.

"I already called it in. Maggie's not making it through those gates." He said.

"Yeah those messages didn't go through." I said.

"You messed with the relay?" He asked.

"This time it's going to go the way it was supposed to." I said. He pulled out his walkie and I hit out of his hand. I pushed him and we both went rolling down the slope and into a pit. We looked around saw that it was pretty deep.

"Those roots, they're the only way we're getting out." Rick said.

"Too high up though." I said. He jumped and grabbed a little root and it broke and he fell down.

"Goddamn it!" He shouted, looking at me. "You set that up too?" He asked.

"You really laying this on me?" I asked, looking back up. "You're the one who had to go chasing after her. Couldn't just let things be." I said.

"You know what keeping Negan alive means to us?" He asked.

"Nah." I replied. "I know what seeing him dead means to her." I added.

"I know why she can't accept it, I do." He said.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Her never coming to Alexandria, her hanging Gregory the way she did?" He said. "I know, I'm not blind." He said.

"Well, you sure as hell are acting like it." I said. "Your ass wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Glenn! You wouldn't have found Lori, you wouldn't have found Carl. And you sure as fuck wouldn't have found any of us. He did that or did you forget?" I said.

"Of course not." He replied. "I think about it every damn day! And Maggie, I hate what I did to her, what I took from her. But it's what I had to do." He said.

"She's doing what she has to do." I said.

"What? You're okay with that?" He asked.

"Why the hell shouldn't I be?!" I shouted.

"You spared Dwight." He said. "After Denise, after what he did to you." He added.

"What do you mean?" I asked, scoffing. "Locking me in a damn closet? Parading me around so I couldn't say nothing?! You got that guy sitting in a cell like a damn symbol to all them assholes who can't wait for things to go back to the way it was!" I shouted.

"Keeping him alive is how we make sure it won't!" He shouted back.

"Keeping him alive is giving them hope that it will!" I shouted.

"Michonne talked to her. She came to the camp. She was coming around." He said.

"Yeah well she was trying." I said. "The truth is, she just couldn't live with it. Just like Oceanside." I said.

"Oceanside?" He said. "You saying Oceanside killed all those Saviors? Arat." He asked.

"I'm saying they got what they deserved." I said.

"You knew but you didn't say anything?" He asked.

"The truth is, I couldn't live with it either." I said.

"If this doesn't work, if she kills Negan, he becomes a martyr. The war was for nothing, everyone who died, for nothing." He said.

" He said

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"Carl...Carl died for nothing." He said, his voice breaking a bit then he looked up.

"What about the rest of us? You don't think after all the shit we've been through, we couldn't handle it?" I asked

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"What about the rest of us? You don't think after all the shit we've been through, we couldn't handle it?" I asked. "You keep asking us to have faith in all these people. Truth is, you don't have enough faith in us." I said.

"You know that not true." He said.

"I'd die for you and I would've died for Carl. You know that." I said. "But you've got to hear me, you're chasing something for him that's not meant to be. You just got to let him go. Let him go." I said.

"I never asked for anyone to follow me." He said.

"I know." I said. "I know. But maybe you should've." I said.

Maddie's POV:

After what seemed like forever, Daryl came back but without Rick. I walked to him and stopped in front of him.

"What happened? And where's Rick?" I asked.

"We fell into a pit and when we got out, he went to draw the walkers away." He told me.

"We've got to help him, he can't do it by himself." I said, holding back tears.

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