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It was nighttime and I was still sitting on the step on the porch with a lot of thoughts moving around in my mind when someone sat down beside me. I turned to see the woman that brought Lori here.

"I never introduced myself. My name is Maggie." She said, smiling.

"I'm Maddie." I introduced myself. We sat in silence until Maggie broke it.

"How old are you Maddie?" She asked.

"I'm 29." I replied. "What about you Maggie?" I asked, curious.

"I'm 22." She responded. She doesn't look 22 though.

"Really? You look younger than 22." I said, chuckling.

"That's what everyone said before the apocalypse." She said, laughing.

We were just chatting until a truck pulled up. Shane got out but we didn't see Otis. Shane looked over at us and he smirked at me, before turning around and grabbed a bag out of the back. Maggie stood up and motioned him to go inside with her to take him to Hershel. He stopped when he was beside me and I was trying not to look at him. I stood up and walked away, going to Daryl. He was at his motorcycle working on something.

"Hi Daryl." I said, stopping next to him. He turned and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Maddie." He said, going back to doing what he was doing before I came over.

"Shane came back with the supplies that Hershel needed but Otis wasn't with him." I told him. Daryl stopped and turned to me.

"Did Shane try anything?" He asked, serious.

"No but he stopped when he was beside me but that's when I came over here." I answered.

"He better not try anything or else I will beat the living shit out of him." He said, looking angry.

"I know you will Daryl but I just have to try my best to stay away from him and I'll be okay." I said. I walked back to the house when Rick came out. He saw me and came towards me.

"He's getting the surgery he needs but it could take awhile." He told me.

"He'll make it through Rick, he's a strong boy." I assured.

"Thank you Maddie." He said, slightly smiling. We started walking around waiting for the surgery to finish. It's been a few hours and Maggie came running to us. "How is he?" Rick asked, worried.

"My father removed the fragments and now he's in bed, resting." She told us.

I smiled and nudged Rick to go see his son. He smiled before running to the house.

"I knew Carl will make it through." I said, smiling. Maggie turned to me and stared. "What?" I asked, confused why she was staring at me.

"When Shane came back with the supplies, I noticed that you got tense." She mentioned. I looked down wishing she didn't notice. "What happened?" She asked, curious. I looked at her before speaking.

"We were at the CDC and when I was heading back to my room, he pushed me against the wall and he was going to rape me." I said. "He left a mark on my neck that's why I'm wearing this shirt even in this heat." I said, pulling my shirt down a bit, exposing the mark.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Maddie." She said. "Is it alright if hug you?" She asked.

"It's fine Maggie." I said.

She then hugged hugged me and we stayed like that for a couple minutes. I can tell that me and Maggie are going to become friends.

"Well, we better go head to bed and get some rest Maddie." She said, smiling.

We walked back and since Hershel doesn't want us staying in the house so we have to sleep in our tents. Me and Daryl are sharing a tent again and I laid down and thought about everything.

"Night Maddie." Daryl said.

"Night Daryl." I said, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now