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Throughout the whole car ride, Daryl was glaring at Rick. We soon arrived at a barn and got out of the car and looked around. I was next to Rick while Daryl was getting something out of his backpack.

"Hey, hold up." Daryl said. Me and Rick looked at him and he walked to the sliding door. "It's best to be safe. Can you both cover it?" He asked.

"Yeah." Me and Rick said at the same time.

Me and Rick aimed our guns at the door while Daryl opened it. We looked on both sides of the truck to make sure it was clear.

"We're good." Rick said. "One more time." Rick said. We aimed at the back of the truck and Daryl opened it and we didn't see any walkers inside, thankfully. The truck was filled with all sorts of stuff that we need and much more. "Well, how about that?" Rick said.

"Now that's a lot." I said, looking at the stuff.

"Let's get this thing going." Rick said, climbing out of the truck. "Grab our gear and come back for the car later and take another way back." He added.

"Do you think it'll start?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah, I do." Rick replied.

We got the truck running and we were driving down the road. I was sitting between Rick and Daryl since there's no back seat but luckily I'm small. We continued driving until we arrived at a gas station.

"Do you think there's any gas here?" I asked, when Rick helped me out of the truck.

"Maybe but there's no hurt in checking." Rick said. We walked towards the store with our knives out.

"Hey, give me a hand with this." Daryl said.

We walked over and while Rick and Daryl was trying to flip a vending machine over, I was keeping watch for any walkers.

"I don't think we got it." Rick said.

Daryl walked on the other side of the machine and looked around on it then he looked at the truck.

"I have an idea." He said, walking back to the truck and got in the drivers seat.

Me and Rick was confused what he was going to do but decided to wait and see. They hooked the chain to the machine and Rick pressed on the gas and soon the machine was on its side. Rick walked over and looked at it.

"It's soda and candy. Why the trouble?" Rick asked. I was wondering that too.

"It wasn't any trouble." Daryl replied.

Someone then ran into Rick knocking him into the machine. We all aimed our guns at the man, making him put his hands up.

"Hi." The man said.

"Back up now!" Daryl shouted.

"Keep them up!" Rick shouted after. The man looked at all of us and stopped when he saw me.

"Easy guys. I was just running from the dead." He told us.

"How many?" I asked.

"Ten, maybe more." He answered. "I'm not risking it." He added. "Once it gets to double digits, I start running." He said.

"Where?" Daryl asked.

"About a half a mile back. They're headed this way. You probably have about eleven minutes." He said.

"Okay, thanks for letting us know." Rick said, putting his gun down.

"Yeah. There's more of them than us, right? Got to stick together." The man said. "Right?" He asked, looking at me. Me and Daryl put our guns down. "Do you have a camp?" He asked.

"No." Daryl said.

"Do you?" Rick asked.

"No." He said, looking away then looking back at us. "Sorry for running into you. I'm going to go now." He said. "If this is the next world, I hope it's good to you guys." He said, starting to walk away.

"I'm Rick. This is Daryl and Maddie." Rick said. "What's your name?" He asked him. The man stopped and pulled his mask down.

"Paul Rovia." He said. "But my friends used to call me Jesus. Your pick." He said, stretching his arms out.

" He said, stretching his arms out

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"You said you didn't have a camp. You on your own?" Rick asked.

"Yeah." Paul replied. "But still best not to try anything." He added.

"Best not to make threats you can't keep either." Daryl said.

"Exactly." Paul said.

"How many walkers-" Rick started to ask until Daryl interrupted him.

"No, not this guy." Daryl said. Rick ignored him and asked the question anyways.

"How many walkers have you killed?" He asked, looking over Daryl.

"Sorry, gotta run. You should too." He answered. "Think you've got about seven minutes." He added. We just stood there for a bit, confused on what just happened.

"What the hell was that?" Daryl asked.

"He was clean. His beard, it was trimmed. There's more going on there." Rick said.

"He didn't have a gun either." I said.

"We could track him, watch him for awhile." Rick said. "Get to know more. See if he's really alone. Maybe bring him back." Rick said.

"Nah, guy calls himself Jesus." Daryl said, before we heard gunshots.

We pulled our guns back out and ran behind the store. We saw a barrel then fireworks started going off.

"Seriously. Firecrackers?" I said.

"Hell." Rick said.

"Shit." Daryl said. "He swiped your keys, didn't he?" He asked. Rick felt around his pants.

"Oh shit!" Rick exclaimed. We ran back to the front of the store.

"Sorry!" Paul shouted, before driving off in the truck. We stopped running when we were in the road.

"Shit." Rick said.

The three of us was watching the truck disappear in the distance.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now