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All the vehicles were in the field we looked at and they came to a stop. We got out and met up with the group that was already there. We were conversing but also getting ready for war which we were all nervous about knew we had to this or die. I saw Paul and I ran to him and hugged him.

"I didn't know you coming Maddie." He said.

"You should know me by now Paul. I'm stubborn." I said, chuckling.

"That you are." He said, chuckling along with me. "So are you nervous Maddie?" He asked.

"Of course I am, how can I not be nervous?" I said. "We are going into war with the Saviors." I added. Rick, Maggie, and Ezekiel soon joined us.

"You up for this?" Rick asked Maggie.

"I got the Hilltop to stand against the Saviors." Maggie responded. "I need to be there, at least for the first part. They say you can wage war through the second trimester. Maddie did." She said, smiling at me.

"That's true, she did." Rick agreed, smiling at me.

"What else was I supposed to do? And don't say leave, there was no way was going to leave without you and Carl." I said, looking at Rick.

"I've been fighting since the farm. Can't stop now." Maggie said.

"I agree." I said, earning a chuckle from them. "Did I say something funny?" I asked, confused but then chuckled.

"You always say something funny Maddie." Paul said. Of course he would say so. The second time he talked to me was a second before Daryl punched him in the face.

"How about tomorrow?" Rick asked Maggie.

"You've been thinking about what that looks like?" Maggie asked.

"Yes I have. I don't know if I can wait for it." Rick replied.

"I'm sorry to break it to you Rick but...we all have to wait." I said. He then glared at me before speaking.

"Shut up Maddie." He said.

"I thought you loved me." I said, acting offended but then I laughed with them joining.

"Good job Maddie. And Rick it's just one more fight." Maggie said. "And I'm going to be there. At least for the first part." She added.

"I was told the Hilltop lost their doctor. An obstetrician, no less. We have a doctor at the Kingdom. A woman of talent. Join us." Ezekiel said.

"We'll get ours back." Paul said.

"Yes Jesus you will." Ezekiel said, laughing slightly. "As sure as the day defeats the night. And on this day, we begin to reshape this world. For your child and the children to come. So let's get started." He said. Ezekiel and Paul walked away, leaving me, Rick and Maggie alone. Rick smiled at Maggie.

"What?" She asked.

"Hilltop's lucky to have you." Rick said.

"I agree." I said, earning a chuckle from them again. "What am I saying that's so damn funny?" I asked, trying to hold back my laugh but failed. We calmed down and Maggie spoke.

"You taught me to be someone worth following." Maggie said.

"Good." Rick said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "After this, I'm following you." He added.

"I am too." I said. They then chuckled again. "I swear I must be the funniest person on the planet, if I'm making you all laugh this much when I don't even know what I'm saying that's so funny." I said, laughing. "But it's true, I'll be following you too after this." I said, trying to get serious again. Me and Rick then walked away. "Hey Rick." I said, going up next to him.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now