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I finally went outside and was welcomed by the bright sun. I looked around and saw Daryl walking this way. He saw me and ran over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Are you feeling better Maddie?" He asked. I nodded my head before putting my head back on his chest.

"I should've let you do what you wanted to him but I was too scared to be alone. I needed you to be with me." I said.

"I know Maddie. You mean the world to me and I'm not going to let anything happen to you, you know that." He said.

"I'm lucky I have you as a brother." I said, smiling at him.

"Yes you are and I'm happy I have you as my little sister." He said, kissing the top of my head.

We heard yelling coming from the gate and we walked over to see what was happening. I saw Glenn yelling at someone that I never met before.

"You almost got her killed!" Glenn shouted.

The man threw a punch at Glenn but he dodged it. Glenn hit him which made him fall to the ground. Daryl ran to stop Nickolas and made him go on the ground and started hitting him.

"Quit it!" Deanna shouted. Rick pulled Daryl off of Nickolas and stood in front of him to keep Daryl from walking over to him. "What's going on here?!" Deanna asked.

"They don't like the way we do things around here. Why did you let them in here?" He said, looking at her.

"Because we actually know what we're doing out there." Glenn said.

"Everyone I'm only going to say this once so listen to me carefully! They are apart of this community! So accept them! They are apart of us and it's staying that way!" She shouted for everyone to hear. "You two go to the house, we need to have a talk." She told Nickolas and the other man. They walked away and were soon out of sight. "I said I have a job for you and I want you to be my constable. You proved that by what you did. And you too Michonne." She said. "Do you accept?" She asked Rick.

"Yes I do." He answered. She then turned to Michonne.

"What about you?" She asked her.

"I do." Michonne answered, slightly smiling.

We were all at the house and it was dark outside. I was outside on the porch next to Daryl when Rick walked out wearing the uniform that he got.

"Wow, look at my handsome husband." I said, making Rick chuckle.

"So you a cop again?" Daryl asked.

"Just trying it out." Rick responded. "We can start sleeping in our own houses now." He added.

The three of us agreed and went back inside to tell the others. I went to the restroom to do my business again. I went back downstairs and sat on the couch when Rick walked over and sat down beside me.

"We're alone in the house Maddie." Rick said.

"Did you forget about Carl and Judith in their rooms?" I asked. "But I know what you have on your mind and right now I can't." I added.

"Why?" He asked.

"The baby is pushing on my bladder, so I have to go to the bathroom every five or ten minutes unless I'm sleeping." I said, chuckling.

"My poor Maddie." He said, kissing the temple of my head.

We then went up to our room after checking to see Carl and Judith asleep. We laid down and turned the light off. We cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now