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I was down at the fence, killing the walkers through the holes in the fence. More and more walkers are showing up and if any more show up and start pushing on the fence, it would give out and the walkers would get through. Karen was here with me and so was Tyreese.

"The walkers are doubling." Karen said.

"I wonder why they're always more every night. I feel like something is attracting them minus us being in here." I said.

"I agree with you." She said. "So, how far along are you in the pregnancy?" She asked.

"I'm three months in." I replied. "To be honest, I'm nervous to become a mother. I hope I'll be a good one." I said.

"You'll be a great mother Maddie, don't sell yourself short. Everyone is nervous with their first child, it's normal." She assured.

"Thank you Karen." I said, smiling at her. We started killing more of the walkers that's was at the fence.

Rick's POV:

I was in the prison, holding and playing with Judith by tickling her. I looked up and saw Daryl, I put Judith back in her crib.

"Daryl!" I shouted, getting his attention. He turned and looked at me. I walked to him and stopped once I was in front of him.

"What is it Rick?" He asked. I wanted to ask him an important question since Maddie is his sister and his answer is important to me.

"Well, you know I love Maddie and I'd do anything to keep her safe. And I wanted to ask if I have your blessing to marry your sister." I said. He just looked at me with no emotion on his face which to be honest was kinda scary.

"I can tell you both love each other and I trust you with her. You make her very happy so I give you my blessing to marry her. But you better not hurt her, if you do I swear I'll punch you as hard as I possibly can." He said.

"Thank you Daryl." I thanked him, smiling. I just have to get a ring that she'll like. I decided to go out on a run to get supplies and to find a ring. "Do you have time to go out on a run with me?" I asked.

"So you can get a ring for her?" He asked.

"Also to get other things that we need." I said. He nodded his head and we got ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Maddie asked, when she saw us.

"We're going on a run, we'll be back soon." Daryl told her.

"Okay, be safe you two." She said. I pecked her lips and left to go on the run.

Maddie's POV:

After Rick and Daryl left, I walked to the feeding or whatever you want to call it and saw Patrick. He turned and saw me.

"Hey Maddie." He said, smiling.

"Hi Patrick." I replied. "I hear you're a huge fan of my brother." I said.

"Yeah. I really want to be like him." He said.

"So now I'm going to have two Daryls in my life? I can barely handle one." I said, chuckling. He laughed along with me while we walked around. Me and Patrick are friends. He was shy at first but soon opened up to me. "So what were you going to do before I showed up?" I asked, curious.

"I don't know what I was going to do. What about you?" He asked.

"I think I'm going to take a nap. I've been tired more often these days." I said.

"Maybe because you're pregnant." He said.

"That might be the reason. I'm going to head to my cell now before I fall asleep standing up." I said, waving at him.

Me and Rick, well just Rick, made a double bed so we can sleep next to each other instead of us sleeping separately. I took my boots off and laid down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now