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It was now daytime and we were still at the truck. Me, Rick and Daryl were sitting against the truck while Michonne and Carl were in the truck. I had my head on Daryls leg, asleep. I heard them talking but I stayed asleep, well, faked it.

"I didn't know what they could do." Daryl said, after he told Rick how he ended up with them.

"It's not on you Daryl." Rick told him. "Hey." Rick said. "It's not on you." He said again. "You being back here with us now, that's everything. You're my brother." Rick said. I slightly smiled at that.

"I saw what you did last night. Anybody would've done that." Daryl said.

"No, not that." Rick said. "You saw what I did to Tyreese. That's why I'm here and why Carl is here and why Maddie is here. I want to keep them safe, that's all that matters." He said.

"I want to keep you all safe. I don't like seeing all of you hurt." Daryl said. "We better start going." Daryl said. "Maddie, wake up. We have to go now." He said, shaking me awake.

I stretched my arms and legs and Rick helped me stand up. I felt the baby kick and I looked down.

"Are you okay Maddie?" Rick asked, worried. I looked up at him with a smile on my face.

"The baby kicked." I told him. Him and Daryl both came over and put their hands on my belly, feeling the baby kick. "Carl, Michonne do you both want to come feel it?" I asked them.

They nodded their heads and walked over. Rick and Daryl pulled their hands away and was replaced with Carl's and Michonnes hands.

We then started walking to the sanctuary that's supposed to be safe.

"Rick, do you think that sanctuary is still there and that it's still safe?" I asked.

"I don't know but I hope it's safe and somewhere we can stay." He answered. We continued walking until Rick saw a sign on the ground.

"We're getting close. Should be there by sundown." Daryl said.

"We go through the woods. We don't know them." Rick said. We all nodded in agreement and followed Daryl. We came up to a fence and we buried our extra guns just in case we have to leave. "We should split up." He said. "You with me?" He asked Carl.

"It's alright." Carl said.

"I'll be with you Rick." I said.

He looked at me then pecked me on the lips before we climbed over the fence. Rick jumped over first then Daryl helped me over and Rick caught me. We quietly made our way over and went into a building. Daryl was in front of us and we followed behind him. We went into a room and saw people inside. We walked further in and saw a lady that's speaking into a radio transmitter or whatever it is.

"Hello." Rick said, catching the womans attention. "Hello." He said, louder getting everyone elses attention.

"Well, I bet Albert is on perimeter watch." A man with short brown hair said. "You here to rob us?" He asked.

"No." Rick answered him. "We wanted to see you before you saw us." He said.

"Makes sense." The man said, looking away. "Usually we do this where the tracks meet. Welcome to Terminus." He said. "I'm Gareth." He introduced himself. "Looks like you've been on the road for a good bit." He added.

"We have." Rick said. I'm not gonna lie, this place scares me. I just feel like something is off with this place and not in a good way. "I'm Rick. This is Carl, Maddie, Michonne and Daryl." He introduced us.

"You're nervous I get it. We all were when we came here." Gareth said. "We came here for sanctuary. Is that what you're here for?" He asked. This guy is giving me a bad vibe and I don't like it.

"Yes." Rick said.

"Good. You found it." Gareth said. "Alex, this isn't as pretty but we got nothing to hide but the welcome wagon is a whole lot nicer." He told us. "You all can ask questions but I have to ask to see your weapons. If you can just lay them in front of you." He said. We all looked at each other, hesitant.

"Alright." Rick said. We started putting our weapons down on the floor in front of us.

"I'm sure you understand." Gareth said.

"Yes I do." Rick said.

We put our arms out and they searched us. Gareth touched my baby bump and finished searching me before speaking.

"Are you pregnant Maddie?" Gareth asked.

"Yes. I am." I answered.

"Well, congratulations on your pregnancy." He said, smiling at me before resuming checking the others until we were all searched. "Just to let you know, we're not those kinds of people. We aren't stupid either. And you shouldn't be stupid enough to try anything stupid." He said. "As long as everyone's cleared on that we shouldn't have any problems." He said, slightly smiling. Alex started handing us our weapons back and that sorta saved me from having to bend down.

"Congrats." Alex said.

"Thank you." I said, watching Alex.

"Follow me." Alex said, with a smile on his face.

He looks like a sweet man but that doesn't mean I'm gonna like him. We followed him outside and saw more people doing things.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now