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I was sitting down on one of the pews that was still intact. Gabriel was still trying to get the blood out of the floor and Carl laid out a choice of weapons for him to pick out of.

"Pick one." Carl said. Gabriel shook his head no. "You have to learn how to defend yourself. We can teach you." Carl said. He was still not grabbing one.

"Gabriel, we want you to be safe but we can't do that if you don't corporate with us." I said.

"Defend myself? They said they'll go." Gabriel said.

"They were liars and murderers." Carl said.

"You didn't know them as well as we did. You want to know what they did and what they were going to do?" I said. He looked at me and I started talking again. "They were going to kill us and do something that I know you wouldn't like. You wanna know what that was?" I asked. He nodded his head and listened. "They were going to cook us and eat us. They would've done the same thing if Rick and the others didn't kill them. And if they didn't show up, they would've killed us and you then eat us. Did you really want that to happen? In your church? Rick and the others did what they had to do to protect all of us and keep that from happening." I told him.

"But they were just like us. You didn't have to kill them." Gabriel said.

"We protected ourselves." Carl said. "They wanted us dead. You're lucky your church lasted this long. You can't stay in one place anymore." He added. "At least not for too long and you'll have to go out there and you'll have to know how to fight." He said.

"He's right Gabriel. We just want you to be safe and be able to keep yourself alive. We've been out there for about a year or a little more, we know what's out there and we want you to be prepared for it." I said. He thought about it for a little bit then grabbed the machete.

"That's a good choice but you're holding it wrong. You have to grip it so you can dive it into their skulls because some of their skulls aren't as soft." Carl said. Gabriel stood up and spoke.

"I have to lie down." Gabriel said.

"Go ahead and lay down, we understand." I said. He walked away with the machete. "He needs some time to adjust since he's never killed any walkers or any people before. Hell, I don't like killing people but I know I have to in order to stay alive." I said.

After a little while, Michonne went and checked on Gabriel while me and Carl we doing other things. Judith then started to cry.

"Go to your sister Carl." I said.

He smiled and walked over to her. I laid on the floor just staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything that's happened. I sat back up and felt my belly and rubbed it slightly thinking about the baby which put a smile on my face. Carl sat next to me with Judith in his lap.

"How does the baby feel Maddie? Is it kicking?" He asked.

"Not right now." I replied, smiling at him. "I don't know why I sit on the floor when I always have trouble standing back up." I said, chuckling

"I'm always here to help you." He said.

"I will get heavier the farther I get into the pregnancy." I said. "Will you still be able to lift me up?" I asked.

"I might have to start working out then." He said, chuckling.

"Yes you might have to." I said, chuckling. I saw Michonne walking towards us. "Is everything alright with him?" I asked.

"He said that he's fine. He just wants to lay down." She said, sitting down on the pew beside us.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now