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It's now daytime and I was still inside the prison, waiting for them to return. I then heard Daryls motorcycle. I quickly stood up and ran outside. Rick walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug. I looked over his shoulder and saw a look on Daryls face that meant something bad happened. I saw a bus and a lot of people coming out.

"Rick, what happened?" I asked.

"Andrea was bit." He told me. I couldn't get no words out of my mouth. "She wanted to shoot herself while she was still able to, so I gave her my gun to use." He said. Me and Andrea wasn't that close but we were still friends. I started crying a bit and I started to fall to the ground but Rick caught me.

"I can't believe she's dead." I said, wrapping my arms around Rick and cried into his shoulder.

He picked me up while I was still crying into his jacket. He laid me down on my bed and he sat down and put my head on his thigh. He was rubbing my arm, trying to calm me down. I soon calmed down and sat up, putting my forearms on my thighs and looked down.

"I wish I could've saved her Maddie but the bite was on her shoulder next to her neck." Rick said.

"I know you would've Rick." I said, slightly smiling. "At least she's at peace now and doesn't have to suffer." I said. Me and Rick stood up then walked out of my cell. I saw Daryl sitting on the floor and so I walked over and sat beside him. He turned his head and looked at me. "Are you okay Daryl?" I asked, worried.

"I guess I wasn't ready to lose two people in a week." He said. "I'm surprised I'm not going crazy." He added.

"Daryl, you may act like you don't care when you're around everyone but I know deep down you're hurt from seeing everyone that you care about dying. I know you may not have been that close to Lori but I know you didn't want her to die." I said. "And you may not have been that close to Andrea either but you still cared about her." I added.

"You know me too well Maddie. So well, it scares me." He said, chuckling.

"I'm your little sister, so I should know you way too well." I said, chuckling as well.

I put my head on Daryls shoulder and stayed like that for about fifteen minutes until we stood up. I walked outside to get some fresh air when I heard the door open. I turned and saw Rick.

"Mind if I join you Maddie?" He asked. I smiled and nodded my head. We walking around together just taking in the fresh air. "We have more people to help defend the prison." He said, before he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room where no one else was.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He made me back up against the wall and he put his hands on both sides of my head, trapping me. He leaned in and placed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush up against his body. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I granted him access and he slid his tongue into my mouth, exploring inside.

I felt him getting harder against my crotch and I was beginning to get needy for him. He kissed down my jaw to my neck and bit down, hard enough to leave a mark but not enough to draw blood. A moan escaped through my lips and I put my hands on the back of his head.

Before we were able to get any farther, we were interrupted by someone getting ready to open the door. We quickly pulled away from each other before someone walked inside. It was Maggie and Glenn.

"Oh shit, we didn't know you two were in here." Maggie said. My cheeks were flushed from us almost getting caught. Me and Rick bid our goodbyes and walked out.

"That was close but at least it wasn't Daryl." I said, chuckling.

"That would've been worse if he walked in." He agreed. "But now I got a problem." He said, referring to the problem in his pants.

"Meet me on the bridge in about fifteen minutes." I said, winking at him. He smirked at me before I walked away. I walked to my cell and grabbed another shirt just in case something happens to the one I'm currently wearing.

"What are you doing Maddie?" Daryl asked. I can't tell him what me and Rick is going to do because, well, he's my brother.

"Just grabbing a shirt Daryl." I answered. He looked like he was doubting that I was just grabbing a shirt but decided not to question it.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now