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We gathered everyone together and went to where Daryl said Rick was taking them. We were running fast and I was beside Daryl. We were running nonstop to get to the bridge and when we got there, we saw Rick staggering and holding onto his side. A walker was getting close to Rick and Daryl shot and killed it with his crossbow.

"What is he doing?" I asked.

"He's trying to bring down the bridge." Daryl said.

"No!" I shouted and started running to get to the other side.

"We draw them away!" Maggie shouted. I was already ahead of them. I was growing tired but I didn't stop running even when my legs were getting sore. The only thing on my mind at the moment was to draw the walkers away from him. He's hurt and bleeding too much. After a bit more running, we got to the other side

"Rick!" I shouted, when the bridge exploded.

"No! Rick!" I shouted. "Rick!" I shouted again. Alden and Paul held me back to keep me from running more. I soon collapsed onto the ground with their arms still around me. "Rick! No! Rick!" I kept shouting. Tears were streaming down my face. "No! He can't be gone! He just can't be!" I shouted, holding onto Paul. "Please tell me that didn't happen. Please tell Rick is still alive!" I shouted.

6 Years Later

Me and Judith were in the woods when we saw a group of people getting surrounded by walkers. I aimed my rifle while Judith aimed the Python. We shot to clear a way for them to run through to get to us.

"Come on! There's a path!" Judith shouted to them. They started running into the woods, toward us and stopped when they saw us leaning against a tree.

"You all got names?" I asked.

"I'm Magna. This is Connie, Kelly, Yumiko, and Luke." Magna said. "What are yours?" She asked.

"I'm Maddie Grimes." I said, looking at Judith to introduce herself.

"I'm Judith. Judith Grimes." She said, putting the Python into its holster.

I was alone where Rick died and I was talking to Rick, even if he's not here in person.

"Hey. I know you're here, I'm still here too. Maybe you already knew that. But it hasn't gotten any easier. Sun keeps rising, days keeps passing, the world keeps spinning. Time just keeps moving forward. Weeks, months, even years go by...while you try to make sense of it all." I said. "To find where you belong, to try to look ahead to a better future. But the truth is, the path ahead only grew darker. It's harder to see. You can feel so lost, so alone, so desperate for something, anything that may show you the way. But even now, after all this time, surrounded by darkness, there are still flashes of light, tiny beacons that shine out. Calling to us. It's not enough to light the way but it's enough to keep going forward. To keep trying. To keep fighting. To keep dreaming. That's what I do every second of the day. And everyday. For you and for us. I haven't given up yet and I never will." I said. "I keep moving forward because I know that's what you would want me to do. I know that you're not really gone. You're still with me in spirit and in my heart. I carry around the picture of us together we took with that camera and I have a mental picture. I will never forget you. You're what keeps me going. I have to live on for you because you're living through me and I know you're watching over me." I said.

I was holding a flower that I found and I put it on the ground for him.

"Thank you for bringing me out of my shell. Showing me the way. Showing me that I was able to love again. Showing me that no matter what happens, I'll always get through. For always believing in me. You showed me that I can do anything if I work hard enough for it. I wish you were still here with me but I know you'll never leave me. Even if you're not with me in person, I know you're still with me. Wherever I go. I'll come back to talk to again but for now, this is goodbye but not forever." I said, standing up. I walked to my horse and got on them went back to Alexandria.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now