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(Warning 🔞: There's smut in this chapter. It starts and ends with these ~~~~~~~)

I felt someone shaking me and I slowly opened my eyes and saw Rick looking at me with a smile.

"We're back Maddie." He told me.

I got out of the car and Rick picked me up bridal style and carried me to our home. I don't know why he decided to carry me when I can walk myself but I wasn't complaining.

"I love you Rick." I said, smiling at him.

"I love you too Maddie." He said, kissing my forehead.

"What are we going to do with him?" I asked.

"First Denise is going to look at him then we'll keep him the room where we keep people that we don't know if we can trust." He told me.

He put me down when we were in our bedroom. I started to change into my pajamas when Rick went downstairs. Once I changed, I walked downstairs carrying the baby monitor to keep an eye on Liam and Judith and I saw Rick laying on the couch.


I put the monitor on the coffee table and straddled him. He looked up at me and put his hands on my hips, holding me in place. I leaned down so our chests were against each other and put my forearms on either side of his head. I gently placed my lips against his and kissed him. The kiss started to get heated and I was grinding my hips against his crotch, feeling him get harder under me.

I kissed down his jaw to his neck then sucked and nipped at the skin while still grinding on him.  I pulled away and started unbuttoning his shirt and threw it to the floor.

"What if someone walks in on us?" Rick asked. I haven't thought of that.

"Good point. Let's go to the bedroom." I said, getting off him and grabbed the baby monitor.

Rick was right behind me, walking shirtless. He closed the door behind him while I was removing my shirt, pants and boots. His boots was already off and so he took his pants off. I laid down on my back on the edge of the bed and he walked between my legs.

He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I happily granted. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and started to explore my mouth. His right hand slid to my right breast which I wasn't wearing a bra and he squeezed it slightly, giving me pleasure. He kissed my jaw down to my neck and bit down on my neck, leaving a mark.

He started to kiss down my chest, down my stomach until he was in front of my heat. He rubbed me before pulling my underwear down, exposing me. He kissed my folds before sliding his tongue between them, up to my clit. He swirled his tongue on my clit before starting to suck on it. I put my hands in his hair and pulled, making him groan which sent a vibration through me.

"Ahh Rick." I moaned. He thrusted his tongue into me and started going in and out. I put the back of my head on the bed and moaned. "Shit." I moaned.

A few more thrusts of his tongue, I released into his mouth. He pulled his face away and he came to my face and started kissing me.

"I can't wait any longer Maddie." He said, before taking his boxers off then opening a condom and put it on.

He aligned himself up to my entrance and started to push into me, slowly. I scrunched my face slightly and he was soon fully inside me. I wrapped my arms around him and he started to thrust into me at a slow pace.

"Ah shit." He moaned next to my ear.

"Fuck Rick." I moaned, pulling him down into a kiss. His thrusts was getting faster and faster. He put one of my legs on his shoulder and went deeper inside me. "Shit." I moaned, pulling out of the kiss.

"Ah fuck." He moaned. He thrusted faster, slamming his hips against mine.

"Oh my god Rick." I moaned, closing my eyes. He pulled out and I slid farther on the bed with him following. I went on all fours and he slammed back into me. "Ah shit." I moaned.

"You like that Maddie." He said.

I moaned and nodded my head rapidly not able to form any words. He started hitting a spot in me that was adding more pleasure.

"Right there Rick." I moaned. He continuously hit that spot and bent down reached around me and started rubbing circles on my clit. "Fuck." I moaned. I soon felt a knot in my stomach and I was getting closer to my high. "I'm getting close." I moaned, closing my eyes.

"Hold it in a little bit longer Maddie." He said, thrusting at an inhuman speed. His thrusts soon started to get sloppy. "Come for me Maddie." He said, between moans.

I soon released around him and he released into the condom. He thrusted a couple more times to ride out our highs then pulled out. He took the condom off and threw it away.


I turned to lay on my back and he did the same. He covered our bodies with the blanket and pulled me closer to him. I looked at him with a smile plastered on my face and he was also smiling at me. I placed my arm around his stomach and put my head on his chest.

"I love you Maddie." He said.

"I love you too Rick. Always have and always will." I said, smiling. He kissed the top of my head and when I was about to close my eyes, Liam started to cry. "I better go check on him." I said, sitting up and grabbed my robe and put it on.

I walked out of the room and walked to the room Liam and Judith were in. I saw Liam moving his legs around while Judith is still asleep. I walked over to Liam and smiled at him. I picked him up and bounced him up and down.

"What's the matter little man? Are you hungry? Does your diaper need to be changed?" I asked, before I smelled something terrible. "I take that as your diaper needs to be changed." I said, making a face.

I walked over and put him down on the table that we changed their diapers on and grabbed a diaper before taking his onesie off. I took the dirty diaper off and threw it away. I cleaned and powdered his butt before putting the new diaper on. I put a different onesie on him and picked him up.

"Is that much better?" I said, when he grabbed my finger. "Let's get you back in your crib." I said, gently putting down in his crib. I leaned down and kissed his forehead before walking out, closing the door behind me.

I walked back to the bedroom and took my robe off and climbed back into bed.

"What did Liam need?" Rick asked.

"He needed his diaper changed." I said.

He nodded his head then we both closed our eyes and fell asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now