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We've been on the road for awhile until we came up to a highway with cars blocking our way. I exited the RV with the others behind me and looked around. I looked ahead and saw Daryl walking towards Shane.

"I know what you fucking did to my sister!" Daryl exclaimed, getting in Shane's face. I ran over and tried to pull Daryl away from Shane.

"I didn't fucking do anything to your sister!" Shane shouted.

"Then why the hell is she scared when you get close to her, huh?!" Daryl shouted back.

"Daryl, just leave it! Please?!" I begged, mainly because I didn't want any trouble being caused.

"Maddie, he tried to rape you and you're just going to dismiss it?!" Daryl asked.

"No but nows not the time to do this! Walkers could hear you shouting!" I said.

He looked at me then backed off. He's never shouted at me like that before but I'm not going to get emotional because of it. I turned and saw Shane smirking at me because I defended him. I walked to the RV and leaned against it. I know Daryl wants to help me but I don't want to cause trouble. I heard someone walking towards me and it was Shane.

"Maddie, I have to talk to you for a minute." He said. I was scared of what he would do if I said no so I agreed. We walked into the RV and he turned to me.

"What do you want Shane?" I asked. He smirked before responding.

"I know you like me Maddie." He said, getting closer to me. I was backing up until my back hit the wall.

"I don't like you Shane, just leave me alone." I begged, tears building up in my eyes. Before Shane was able to do anything, the RV door opened and Rick walked inside.

"Shane, what are you doing?" Rick asked. Shane turned to him.

"I'm not doing anything Rick. Me and Maddie are just talking, right Maddie?" Shane asked, looking at me.

"Y-Yeah." I replied. Shane turned back around and I looked at Rick in the eyes, asking for help through eye contact.

"What do you need Rick?" Shane asked, wanting him to leave.

"Daryl wants to talk to his sister." Rick answered. I can tell that was a lie just so he can get me away from him and I'm thankful for that.

"I better go see what he wants." I said, squeezing past Shane and exited the RV. I ran to Daryl and hugged him, making him confused before he hugged me back. "Daryl, he did try to rape me but please don't do anything. I'll just try to keep my distance from him because I don't want to cause trouble." I told him.

"I get it Maddie but I can't stand something happening to you." He said.

"I know Daryl but right now we have bigger problems." I said. We spilt up and started searching cars for anything we could use when Dale spoke.

"Guys there's a herd of walkers heading this way!" Dale exclaimed. We all hid under the vehicles. I was under a car with Rick and he held onto me to keep me safe. A few minutes later, we saw the walkers feet walking past us. I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet. I heard Sophia screaming and I turned to see her running off into the woods.

"Stay here." Rick said, before getting out of under the car and chased after Sophia. Soon the herd of walkers passed and were way down the road. I got out and saw Daryl running to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied. I went to the guard rail and saw Carol crying, worried about her daughter. "Rick will save her." I assured. After about ten or so minutes, Rick came back but without Sophia.

"Where's my daughter?" Carol asked.

"I told her to stay and hide while I distracted the walkers and I told her to wait there but if I didn't come back, I told her to keep the sun on her left shoulder." Rick said. "When I went back to get her, she wasn't there and I thought she came back here." He said.

"You left my daughter out there by herself?!" Carol shouted.

"Carol, we'll go out there and search for her but we can't right now because it's getting dark." Rick said. I understand why we can't search in the dark since we won't be able to see what's around us.

"So you're just going to leave her out there to survive on her own in the dark?!" Carol said, walking away from us and went into the RV.

"I feel like I should go out there and look for her." Rick said.

"Rick, it's too dangerous and you know that." I said. "If you go out there in the dark, who knows what'll happen." I added.

"But what about Sophia?" Rick asked.

"She's a small girl, she can run and she can hide." I answered. "She's also faster than the walkers and she could be heading this way." I said.

It was soon dark and everyone was turning in except for me, Rick, and Daryl. I don't know if Carol is sleeping even though I doubt she is because she's worrying about her daughter which I can't blame her. If my daughter was out there alone in the dark, I'll be worrying like crazy.

I saw Rick sitting on the guard rail, looking into the woods. I walked over and sat beside him, causing him to look at me.

"Rick, you'll find her in the morning I know you will." I said.

"But how can I be so sure that she's even out there? How can I know if she's still alive?" He asked. "If she dies, it'll be my fault." He said, putting his head down.

"It won't be your fault, it won't be anyone's fault so don't go blaming yourself Rick." I assured. "You know it's not safe going out there in the dark and you could walk right into a walker and everyone knows that." I added.

"But she's Carols daughter, Carol would never forgive me if something happened to her." Rick said.

"She understands that but it's her daughter so she's going to be acting like this, you would be too if your son was out there by himself." I said.

"Yeah I guess I do understand her point of view." He said, looking at me. "Thank you Maddie, you're a great woman." He said, faintly smiling.

"I try to be." I said, looking back at him.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now