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I was laying between Daryls legs because he made sure my stomach didn't slam against the hard, concrete floor and possibly harm the baby.

"Stay here!" Gareth shouted.

"They're not going anywhere!" A man said.

"Stay here until I know what's happening!" Gareth shouted, leaving the room.

I was trying to sit up straight but that's kinda hard for me to do with my legs being tied. The two men were talking and when they had their backs turned, Rick stood up and stabbed the bald man then killed the second man. Rick started to cut us lose and once we were all lose, we grabbed weapons to use.

"That sounded like a bomb." Glenn said.

"It sounded like a war." Daryl said.

Bob went to stab the man that was on the table in the head until Rick stopped him.

"No, let him turn." Rick said.

We ran out of the room and looked in a room to see a human torso hanging upside down on a chain. I gagged at the sight of it.

We walked into the room and I was trying not to look at the body limbs that was hanging but they were everywhere so no matter where we looked we saw a limb.

"You run into any one of them, you kill them without hesitation." Rick said. We all agreed with him. We looked out the window and saw walkers hitting a train car. "If we all run, we can get passed them. They're distracted." Rick said, looking at me. "Will you be able to run Maddie?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll be able to." I responded.

"We have to let those people out. That's still who we are." Glenn said.

We agreed and ran out of the building and headed towards the train car, killing the walkers that were in the way. Glenn opened the car door and a man ran out and grabbed him, mumbling something I couldn't quite understand.

Glenn pushed him off and a walker grabbed him and bit him, making him fall on the ground. Glenn killed the walker and we ran. Rick made me hide behind the door and Daryl pulled Glenn to hide as well. There were walkers walking past to our right. There was shooting and Rick ran behind a car and looked to see how many there were. A walker then walked behind him and Daryl ran over and killed it.

Glenn was holding onto me to keep me safe. Rick saw a lone shooter and killed him then took his gun and started shooting. He grabbed the handgun that was on the man and came back with Daryl and handed the gun to Bob.

"Glenn, hold on to Maddie and help her run." Rick said.

Glenn held onto me and we started running. We started making our way back to the train car we were in to get the others out. Rick opened the train car door and everyone ran out. We continued running while killing the walkers.

"Up and over!" The woman with the hat on said. The red haired man went over and Glenn helped me over. The tall man then caught me and set me down gently.

"I gotta ask. Are you pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes I am." I answered.

We were all soon in the woods and went to the spot where Rick buried the bag. After retrieving the bag, we walked deeper into the woods. We saw a figure and saw that it was Carol. Daryl ran up to her and hugged her then she gave him his crossbow then gave Rick his watch back. I hugged her with a smile and some tears falling down my cheeks.

"I missed you Carol." I said, pulling away.

"I missed you too Maddie. And the little one in your belly." She said, touching my stomach.

We started walking until we were on the road again. I was walking next to Rick. We came up to a cabin and saw Tyreese came out with Judith. Rick handed me the bag and went running, the same with Carl and Sasha. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I walked closer and Rick handed me Judith.

I held her tight and Rick hugged Tyreese and thanked him for keeping Judith safe.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now