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I was in my cell, lost in thought when it was interrupted by Rick.

"Maddie." Rick said, sitting beside me.

"What's wrong Rick?" I asked.

"I think everyone is mad about me not letting that group in." He said.

"Rick, no one is mad at you." I assured.

"But it seems like they are and it looks like you are too because you left with Carl." He said.

"I just wanted to get Carl out of there because he doesn't need to see his father kicking people out like that." I said.

"But do you think I should've given them a chance?" He asked.

"It's not my choice Rick. If you feel like that was best choice then I'll stand by you even if no one else does." I said.

"Thank you Maddie. Maybe I should've given them a chance." He said.

"I know you Rick, you only want everyone to be safe and they know that." I said.

He faintly smiled before pecking my lips and walked away. I stood up and decided to walk outside to get some fresh air. I was walking with my hand in my pocket since I couldn't put the other hand in the other pocket because Hershel made a sling for me to put my arm in.

I stood at the fence and looked out at the forest, thinking of Daryl. Without realizing, I felt tears building up in my eyes. Some of the tears fell down my cheeks when someone walked up beside me.

"What's wrong Maddie?" Beth asked.

"I guess I'm just missing my brother but I know he's alive." I said.

"Don't worry Maddie, I know he misses you." She said. "He won't ever forget his sister especially a great and beautiful sister like you." She added.

"But why did he leave after I was passed out from losing too much blood and without saying goodbye?" I asked.

"Maybe it was hard for him to say goodbye." She answered. "Because he wouldn't be able to bear it." She said after.

"I guess you're right." I said. "Your father is lucky to have you as a daughter." I said, smiling. "You know before the apocalypse, I wanted to have a child." I told her.

"You could still have one Maddie." She said.

"We already have a baby to take care of and we only have enough formula to last about a month and we'll have to get more." I said.

"But when you're pregnant the mother produces the milk and if you had a baby, it could get the milk from you." She said.

"I forgot about that. I guess everything that's happened pushed that knowledge out of my brain." I said, chuckling.

"How old are you anyways?" She asked.

"I'm now 30." I replied.

"Really? You're older than I am but you look like you're about 20." She said.

"I do?" I asked, not believing it.

"Yeah. I thought you were close to my age." She said

"Wait, how old are you Beth?" I asked, curious.

"I'm 16." She told me.

"You're young but yet I wish I was that young." I said. "Never mind I'm happy I'm not that age anymore" I quickly added.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because of mine and Daryls father and from a certain thing that happened with my ex." I answered.

"Oh I'm so sorry, what did your father do?" She asked.

"He abused me and Daryl, I don't know about Merle because he was out of there when he turned 18." I told her. "I still have scars on my back from it." I added.

"Can I see them?" She asked. I thought about before deciding to show her. I lifted my shirt up the best I could until the scars were showing.

"Oh my god Maddie." She said.

"What happened to your back Maddie?" I heard Rick ask. I turned and looked at him.

"My father abused me." I said. "But before you ask why I didn't tell the cops, it's because I was scared of what would happen if my father found out." I quickly said.

"That's understandable. Did Daryl know about it?" He asked.

"Yeah because we were both abused. But as soon as Daryl was able to, he took me somewhere else away from him, not that our father cared though." I said. "But all that is in the past and I lived past it so I don't think about it that much." I said.

We all then went inside and started doing what we had to do. Hershel had to look at my arm to see how it's doing.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now