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Aaron was tied up to one of the poles in the barn and Judith started crying. I was laying on the floor, sleeping until Rick came over to me.

"She's hungry." Rick told me.

I nodded my head, yawning then sat up. I pulled my shirt down slightly and started feeding her. Rick put his jacket over me again and watched Aaron while also keeping track of the time.

The others soon came back and Aaron was right, there was two vehicles and the RV had food in it. I was bouncing Judith up and down in my arms, letting her play with my finger.

"This, this is ours now." Rick told Aaron.

"There's more than enough." Aaron said.

"It's ours whether or not we go to your camp." Rick said.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't we go?" Carl asked.

"If he were lying or if he wanted to hurt us...but he isn't and he doesn't. We need this. So we're going, all of us." Michonne said. "Somebody say something if they feel differently." She added.

"I don't know man. This barn smells like horse shit." Daryl said.

"Yeah." Rick said. "We're going." He said. "So where are we going? Where's your camp?" He asked Aaron.

"Well, every time I've done this, I've been behind the wheel driving recruits back. I believe you're good people. I've bet my life on it. I'm just not ready to bet my friends' lives just yet." Aaron said.

"You're not driving." Michonne told him. Rick walked over to the table and grabbed the map. "So if you want to get home, you tell us how." She said.

"Go north on Route 16." He said.

"And then?" Michonne asked.

"I'll tell you when we get there." Aaron said.

"We'll take 23 north." Rick said. "You'll give us directions from there." He said.

"I don't know how else to say it, that's a bad idea." Aaron told us. "We've cleared 16 and it'll be faster." He added.

"We'll take 23." Rick said. "We leave at sundown." He said.

"We're doing this at night?" Sasha asked.

"Look, I know it's dangerous. But it's better than riding up to the gates during the day. If it's not safe, we'll need to leave before they know we're there." Rick said.

"No one is going to hurt you." Aaron said. "You're trying to protect your group but you're putting them in danger." He said.

"Tell me where your camp is and we'll leave right now." Rick said. Aaron didn't say anything. "It's going to be a long night. Eat. Get some rest if you can." He said, walking away and walked outside. I handed Judith to Carl and followed him outside and saw him at the car.

"Hi Rick." I said, making him look at me. I leaned against the car and looked at the sky.

"Hi." He replied. "I'm thinking me, Glenn and Michonne are going to ride with that guy and you ride with the others." He said, standing up.

"Okay." I said, wrapping my arms around him. "I know you're protecting us and I love you for that but Michonne is right. I'll need a safe place to give birth and you know a newborn is going to be crying a lot when it comes out and it'll alert walkers." I said. "I'm not saying that we should trust him easily but maybe there is a chance that this camp or community is safe." I added.

"I know but I'm just being cautious." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I know that." I said, smiling at him. I put my hands underneath his shirt and went to his stomach. "I love you Mr. Grimes." I said.

"I love you too Mrs. Grimes." He said, placing his lips against mine. We were in a full on make out session and we to pull away so we can breath.

"I wish I can see you with your shirt off again. I miss it." I said, flirting.

"Maybe we can do something later Maddie or I could tease you by making you want me more." He said, going back to doing what he was doing.

"You're already teasing me." I said. "You tease." I said, walking away after hearing him laugh.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now