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Me, Rick, Daryl, Glenn, T-Dog and Maggie were going in to clear out the walkers. Rick opened the gate and we went in then formed a circle. We were killing the walkers, while staying in formation. Glenn then broke out to kill a walker.

"Stay in formation!" Rick shouted. Glenn came back and we continued until Rick closed the other gate. I was going to open the gate to let the others in until Rick stopped me. "We have to push through and clear the cell block." He said.

He is right, we have to make it safer before we let them in here. We made our way into the prison and cleared the cell block. The others were walking in while Rick was looking around. I saw Lori walk up to him and started talking to him.

"Maddie, you alright?" Daryl asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine." I said, looking past the cell doors.

"In the morning, we'll go to the cafeteria to see if there's any food." Rick said. "Right now, let's just sleep and rest." He added.

"I ain't sleeping in a cage. I'm sleeping up there." Daryl said, going up the metal stairs. I was putting stuff in the cell I'm sleeping in and walked out, since I wasn't that tired. I was just leaning on the railing, looking out the window that was there. I saw Rick sit down on the floor and looked down. He didn't notice me there but soon noticed when Daryl started talking to me. "What's the matter Maddie?" He asked.

"Just everything, I guess." I said, faintly smiling.

"Maddie, we'll be okay." He assured. "We may have found a place to stay for awhile." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I know but what if we didn't?" I asked. "Where would we go? And I'm not trying to be a downer, it's just that I'm worried especially since Lori is expecting soon." I said.

"Don't think negative Maddie, that will only make you feel worse." He said. "I understand why you're worried, we all are but we're safe at the moment." He added.

"I guess so." I said, looking at him. "Thank you Daryl, you're a great brother." I said, smiling.

"Of course I am. Now go get some sleep so you'll be well-rested." He said.

"Okay Daryl, goodnight." I said, standing straight.

"Night Maddie." He said, walking to where he's sleeping. I laid down on my back and closed my eyes with thoughts in my head.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now