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I saw Carol and Tyreese talking and I was curious about what but I didn't want to butt in on their conversation so I stayed with Rick, Judith and Carl.

"I don't know if the fire is still burning." Rick said, looking at the black smoke that was going into the sky.

"It is." Carol said.

"We need to go just in case some of them escaped." Rick said.

"Yeah but where?" Daryl asked.

"Somewhere far away from there." Rick replied.

We started walking on the train tracks. I went a bit closer to Rick and he noticed. I went to his ear and whispered into it.

"I love you Rick." I said, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too Maddie." He said, pecking my lips. "Judith is asleep." He said, looking at Judith. I looked and saw her sleeping which made a smile appear on my face.

"She's adorable." I said, smiling. He smiled at the sight before bending down and stood in front of a sign that said that terminus is a sanctuary. "What are you doing?" I asked, stopping next to him.

"I have to tell other people not to go to terminus." He said.

He crossed out all the words except for sanctuary and put no above it. We started walking again and we were holding hands while following the others into the woods.

We've been on the road for awhile and we decided to take a rest. Carl had Judith and he was feeding her water in her bottle. I was sitting against a tree, relaxing for a bit and letting my legs rest. Rick came and sat next to me while watching Carl feed Judith.

"He's good with her Rick, he'll be a great father someday. Hopefully not anytime soon." I said, putting my head against his shoulder.

"Yes he will but he takes after me." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Of course he does." I said, looking at him. He leaned down and kissed me. He put a hand on my stomach like he's protecting it. "This baby will take after you as well, since he or she is your child." I said.

"They'll take after you too....babe." He said.

He knows what happens when he calls me that. I know he did that on purpose. He stood up and helped me up since it is getting harder for me stand. I walked over to the woman wore a plaid shirt.

"Hello, I'm Maddie." I introduced myself.

"I'm Tara. Are you expecting?" She asked.

"Yeah I am and if I'm going to be honest, I'm nervous." I told her.

"You'll be a great mother Maddie even if I didn't know you that long." She said, looking down.

"Tara, be honest with me. Did you want to be at the prison?" I asked.

"I didn't." She said.

"That's why Rick was talking to you before the Governor attacked. He knew you didn't want to be there and I'm happy you're with us Tara. I hope we can become friends." I said, smiling.

"I hope so too Maddie. Are you and Rick together?" She asked.

"We are and he's lucky my brother trusts him not to hurt me." I said.

"Who's your brother?" She asked.

"Daryl. That one right there with the crossbow." I said, pointing at him which he noticed.

"Why are you pointing at me Maddie? You got something to say?" He asked, before chuckling.

"Maybe I do." I responded.

"Come over here and tell me then." He said, sending me a playful glare with me doing the same thing.

"You get along well with your brother." Tara said.

"We've been with each other since I was a baby." I told her.

"Come on, we have to start moving again." Rick said. I was beside Rick while the others were behind us, since we were in front of them.

"What were you and Tara talking about?" He asked.

"Random things like how you knew she didn't want to be at the prison and her saying that me and Daryl gets along well and me telling her I'm pregnant. All the juicy stuff." I said, causing him to chuckle.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now