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"Guns down now." Morales demanded. We did as he said and put our guns on the floor. "So you're the Rick from Alexandria? This whole time it was you." He said.

"You called your men in for nothing." Rick said. "Your fight's out there. It's just me, you and Maddie." He added.

"Did you just hear what I said? I know who you both are, I saw it through the mirror through the front door. And there wasn't any kind of blast from the past. As soon as I saw you two, I knew you made the same trip as me from there to here. Shit, well I guess we aren't same people we used to be." Morales said. "You're both monsters. I called him back because you're both a prize Rick and Maddie. We've been told not to kill you, Maddie, the widow, or the king. Not if we don't have to. So why are you both here?" He said. "I know you both just like before. Rick you were always the guy to always rush in and Maddie, you were always the girl who always followed him even if it could cost you your life. But what is it that you're both looking for?" He asked.

We both stayed silent still surprised that Morales is here and with the Saviors.

"Got nothing to say? It doesn't matter anymore. Not for you two and not for anyone else you brought in here. Because what's left of my people, they're coming and we'll get you both to Negan or we won't. Either way, we're going to settle your shit.

"Is your family here?" Rick asked. He put his gun down slightly before responding.

"We never made it Birmingham. They didn't." He told us.

"We're sorry." Rick said.

"Really?" He asked.

"We are. We lost people too. Lori, Shane, Andrea, Maddie lost her brother. Glenn. Negan killed him, forced him to his knees bashed his head in right in front of us, in front of his pregnant wife." Rick said. Tears were beginning to fall down my cheeks.

"He had a wife?" Morales asked.

"Not before, he met her." Rick said.

"In this?" He asked.

"Yeah. In this." Rick said. "She's the widow. Are you Negan too?" He asked.

"I lost my family. I lost my mind. I was in some tow trailer sleeping myself to death. Waiting to become nothing. The Saviors found me. They thought I was worth a damn, worth bringing back with them. So yeah, I'm Negan. To make it this far, for this long, I had to be. I had to be something just like you two." He said.

"We're not the same." Rick said.

"How's that?" He asked.

"Well, look at you." Rick said.

"Look at me? Look at us Rick and Maddie. Look at us. We're three assholes who would do whatever it takes to keep going. And the only difference is that I'm the one holding the gun, that doesn't make me any worse than you Rick and Maddie. That just makes me luckier. But let's face it if you were the one holding the gun my brains would be on the floor right now." Morales said.

"You don't know that." I said, finally.

"And you do?" He asked, looking at me.

"We know wouldn't want to." Rick said.

"Come on. Is that the best you can do?" He asked

"We'd at least try to find another way." I said.

"Yeah, why?" He asked. "Because we knew each other for a few days back at the start?" He said.

"Look we know-we wouldn't-" Rick started to say before he interrupted him.

"You both want to to know what I think? I think you can talk all you want. You two can say all the words. Lori, Shane, Andrea, Glenn...they're all dead and somewhere along the way, officer friendly and Mrs. Redneck died right along with them. Just like I did with them. That's what I know Rick and Maddie." He said.

"Wait! No!" Me and Rick shouted in unison when we saw Daryl getting ready to shoot him. Daryl then shot him with his crossbow.

"You two good?" He asked, looking down at the body.

"T-That was..." Rick stuttered.

"I know who it was." Daryl said. "It don't matter. Not one little bit." He added, pulling the bolt out of him. "Did you two find those guns?" He asked.

"They aren't here." Rick said.

"What?" Daryl asked.

"He called the Saviors back from the courtyard." I said, grabbing my gun with Rick doing the same thing.

"We got to get out before-" Rick said, before we heard the door bust open. "They're here." He said, when we stood back up.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now