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We on the road and we heard Negan speaking on the walkie about some guy called Fat Joey. He said that he wasn't the most badass but that he was loyal. We were on the highway and saw a bunch of cars lined up against each other, blocking our way through. We soon came to a stop and looked at the cars.

"Someone's trying to block our way. It's got to be the Saviors." Paul said.

"Thanks captain obvious." I said, looking at him.

"Shut up Maddie." Paul said. Me and him laughed then looked back at the cars.

"Look it's the base over there." Carl said. We all looked and saw the base, well the tip of it.

"Yeah that's it." Paul said. "They must be trying to make it hard to get to him." He added.

"We have to keep going. We'll move them then move them back. They don't need to know that we were here." Rick said. He turned the car off and we got out to start moving the cars out of the way. I was looking through the binoculars and I saw something (it was originally Michonne but I changed it to Maddie).

"Rick, look at this." I said, looking at him. He walked over and grabbed the binoculars and looked where I pointed. We walked closer and saw a wire with explosives connected to it and on each side there was a detonator.

"What's all this for?" Michonne asked.

"When I was hanging on the back of the truck, I heard a couple of them talking about this." Paul said.

"This is for a herd." Carl said.

"That's a steel cable. That's not for just one walker. It's for a lot." Rosita said. We all looked around but didn't see any walkers but that doesn't mean that there ain't any. If the Saviors put these explosives here, there could be herd headed this way.

"We need these explosives." Sasha said.

"Yeah but we have to figure out how to disarm them." Rick said, looking at the steel cable. Rosita knelt down in front of a vent looking thing and carefully pulled the top off, exposing wires and something that's in some kind of small bag. I stayed beside Rick while Tara backed up and Rosita was doing something with the wires.

"Backing up won't make a difference if this thing goes off." Rosita said. We then heard Negan speaking again.

"We got ourselves a red situation. We need a search party, see if Daryl ran home like the dumb animal that he is." Negan said. That means they're going to be going to Alexandria and we're out here. "Turn that place upside down." He added.

"We have to get there before they do." I said.

"But we need these." Michonne said. She's right, we need these explosives. We need to get back but we also need them. "We need to clear a path anyway." She added. Rosita then finished and pulled out something that looks like a big battery.

"The first parts done." Rosita said.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We have to unwrap the secondary explosives, the dynamite, the rpgs. Make sure these casings are not messed up and do not mess them up either. These things could still blow." Rosita said. When she said that, I got more scared than before.

"You all heard her, let's go." Rick said. We all started to doing what she told us to do, being really careful so they don't explode and kill us. We looked behind us just in case something was coming. I felt myself sweating bullets but I had to keep myself from shaking so I don't mess anything up, that's the last thing I want to do.

"You can load these explosives in the truck as long as they're in good shape, no dents or tears." Rosita said. "They're not live, they still need to get triggered to be set off." She added. I made sure none of them were damaged and I gently sat them in the truck. When I was about to do another one, Carl spoke.

"Dad. Look." He said. We looked where he was pointing and saw a herd of walkers coming this way.

"Okay here they come. They're still far, we still have time." Rick said. We continued carefully removing the explosives and Rosita looks at them to make sure there wasn't any dents or tears. "We also need to get the cars back in front of the on ramp." He said.

"They'll know we were here since we're taking their explosives. Does it really matter?" Paul asked.

"We want that herd to stay on the highway." Rick said.

"Why?" Tara asked.

"We may need it." Rick replied. Everyone was putting the explosives in the truck and Tara jumped behind the wheel and and started the car. The others except for me (originally Michonne), Paul, Rick and Sasha. They headed to put the cars back while we were finishing up with the explosives.

"Uhh Rick, look." Sasha said, looking at the herd.

"Alright. Sasha, Jesus do you think you can get back to Hilltop on foot?" Rick asked.

"Yeah." Sasha said.

"Tell Maggie we're not giving up. Go!" Rick said. Paul and Sasha then started running back to the Hilltop while me and Rick were finishing the explosives we were working on. "We need every stick, every rpg." Rick said. I kept looking at them to make sure the others hurries up and finishes putting the cars back because the herd is slowly getting closer.

"Rick." I said, still looking back. Rick stood up and looked at the herd. "They're going to cut them off. Should we just split up?" I said.

"No. The cars, if they run." Rick said.

"I'll beep my horn when I get it started." I said, standing up.

"I'll wave my arm and we'll go." Rick said. "Stay together." He said. We got in the cars and I started to hot wire the car to get it started, praying that the cars starts. The car started and I beeped the horn once. I looked out the passenger window and waited for Rick's signal. He then waved his arm and we started driving at the same time.

The steel cable started cutting the walkers in half when it hit them and we kept going until we got to the vehicle the others are in.

The steel cable started cutting the walkers in half when it hit them and we kept going until we got to the vehicle the others are in

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I quickly got out before the walkers got to me. Good thing I had a machete with me. I ran across to Rick and we started fighting our way back to the car. We both soon got into the car and sighed in relief that we both made it inside. I hugged Rick and he hugged me back.

We started driving away from the walkers. Me and Rick were breathing hard from what we did. We looked out the back window and watched as we got farther away from the walkers. We then saw an explosion in the middle of the highway. I smiled while looking down when Rosita spoke.

"Yeah I didn't like the look of them." She said. I leaned back against the seat and put my head on Rick's shoulder.

"We pushed it." Rick said.

"We're still here. We made it Rick." I said. "But that did give me a rush though." I said, chuckling. I then fell asleep against Rick.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now