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Glenn's POV:

We came to a stop on the side of a railroad and got out of the vehicle. I followed Rosita to a spot on the railroad while Michonne went and killed a walker.

"That's where she died." Rosita said.

"Okay, so he had to start from here." I said, looking around.

"He did." Michonne said. I looked and saw the motorcycle Daryl rode out here.

"Which way did Dwight run?" I asked. She stayed quiet. "Rosita?" I said, making her turn to look at me.

"We should let him do this." She said.

"But he doesn't know what he's doing. We don't. Maybe him trying this makes you feel better about it right now. Maybe they keep knowing more about us than we know about them. Or maybe Daryl's going to get himself killed. Which way did Dwight go?" I said. She looked down before looking back up and pointed in the direction with her head.

I turned around and we started walking into the woods. We then saw a bolt coming and hit the tree next to Rositas head.

"Watch the hell out asshole." Rosita said.

"I did. You shouldn't have came." Daryl said.

"You shouldn't have left." Michonne said.

"When I split off from Sasha and Abraham, he was out there in the woods in that burned out forest with them girls, put a gun to my head, tied me up. I even tried to help him." Daryl said, turning away and started walking.

"So you think it's your fault?" I asked, following him.

"I know it is. I'm going to go do what I should've done before." Daryl said, walking away again.

"What, for her?" I asked. "She's gone, man. You're doing this for you." I said.

"Man, I don't give a shit." Daryl said.

"Daryl? We need to get back there and figure this out from home. Our home. We need you, Maddie needs you, Liam needs you and everyone needs us right now. It's going to go wrong out here." I said.

"We'll square it. I will." Michonne said. "I promise you. Just come back." She said.

"I can't." Daryl said.

"Daryl." I said, turning around after he started to walk away.

"Man, I can't!" Daryl shouted, walking away.

"I can't either." Rosita said, following Daryl. They were soon far from me and Michonne and I put my head down.

"How am I supposed to tell Maddie that her brother didn't want to come back until Dwight's dead? Daryl is going to get himself killed. Maddie shouldn't lose her last brother." I said.

"I'll be with you when you tell her and I'll help." Michonne said.

"Thing is those men could be back in Alexandria right now." I said.

"If they are, they're dead." Michonne said.

"I hope not. We need them alive. We need to find out more." I said.

"Yeah we do." She responded.

"We just got stuck with each other. We were lucky. We figured it all out together. It felt like we did. After everything, we did. The world's is not what we thought it was. Hilltop, the Saviors, it's bigger." I said, when we heard a man whistling. I aimed my gun and looked around and saw men all around us. A man then came out of behind a tree.

"Hi." The man said. I started putting my gun down knowing that if I tried anything, I would get killed.

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