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"We're not leaving." Rick said.

"But what if there's another sniper?" Maggie asked.

"We can't even go outside." Beth said.

"At least not in the daytime." Carol said.

"If Rick says we're not running, we won't be running." Glenn said.

"It's better to live like rats." Merle said.

"Do you have any better ideas?" Rick asked.

"We should've snuck out of here last night." Merle said.

"We're not scared of that prick." Daryl said.

"You should be. That truck through the fence was just him ringing the door bell. We may have thick walls to hide behind but he's got guns and the numbers. If he's got the high ground around this place, he could starve us out of here." Merle said.

"This is all your fault." Maggie said.

"It don't matter whose fault it is. What are we going to do now?" I replied.

"I think we should leave. Axel's dead, we shouldn't stay here." Hershel said. "Rick you're slipping, we've all seen it and we understand why. But it's not the time, you said this isn't a democracy anymore and now you have to own up to that." He added.

"The fields are filled with walkers, I didn't see any snipers out there but we'll keep Maggie on watch." Rick said.

"I'll take the guard tower and take out half the walkers so we can give them time to fix the fence." Daryl said.

"I'll join Daryl since we're both good shots." I said. I saw Daryl look at me but I was looking at Rick.

"We could use the cars to push the bus into place." Michonne said.

"We won't be able to access the field without burning through our bullets." Hershel said.

"So you're saying we're trapped in here? We barely have any food or ammo." Glenn said.

"Been here before, we'll be fine." Daryl said.

"But that's when it was just us. And that was before there was a snake in the nest." Glenn said.

"Are we seriously going to go through this again? Merle is with us. Deal with it." Daryl said.

"No need to get at each other's throats. We have bigger problems to deal with at the moment." I said. Daryl walked away, mad.

"I don't think Merle staying here is gonna fly." Glenn said.

"We can't kick him out." Rick said.

"I wouldn't ask Shane to live with us after he tried to kill you." Glenn said.

"Merle has military experience. He may be erratic but he's loyal to me and Daryl even if me and Merle don't get along." I said.

"Maybe we could deal with both problems. We could deliver Merle to the Governor. Give him his traitor then maybe declare a truce." Glenn said.

"Even if we gave the Governor his traitor, how do you know that he'll agree to the truce?" I asked.

"We don't but we could try." Glenn said.

"Do you want to risk it? If he goes back on it, he could kill all of us by sneaking up on us." I said. I walked out and Merle followed behind me.

"Were you defending me Mads?" Merle asked.

"I'm just trying to keep everyone alive Merle." I replied. "And even though me and you don't really get along, you're still my brother so I do love you. It's just that sometimes you make me angry" I said.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole but it's just the way I am. And I just love pushing your buttons." Merle said.

"I guess it's your way of saying that you love me." I said.

"Yeah it is." He said. "Are you okay with me staying here Mads?" He asked.

"I don't know because you tried to kill Glenn and you told them where we are Merle. You have to understand why they don't want you here." I said.

"But when I heard that you and Daryl were with them, I regretted it." Merle said. "But when I saw you pass out, I was worried but I had to act like I wasn't." He added. "What caused you to pass out though?" He asked.

"I was shot in the arm as you can tell from this sling I have on." I said, lifting my arm slightly. "I passed out from blood loss but Hershel helped me so I'm recovering well." I said.

"At least they're taking care of you." He said. This is a new side of Merle I never seen before and to be honest I like this side of him.

"Yeah they are." I said. "I better go and see what I can do to help." I said, turning around and walked away.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now