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Rick's POV:

I walked to Daryl, who was digging holes to bury the dead.

"Glad you were in there." Daryl said.

"Weren't much use without my gun." I said, turning around slightly.

" I said, turning around slightly

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"Yes you were. We wouldn't be here if it wouldn't for you." He said. I picked up the shovel that was next to me and walked to the hole.

"It was all of us." I said. He noticed that I was a bit down since Maddie is sick as well.

"I heard you went and talked to Maddie. How is she doing?" He asked.

"She told me that Caleb felt her forehead getting warmer which means that she's starting to get a fever." I told him.

"She's strong Rick. The pregnancy may be affecting her immune system but she'll make it through." He assured, not even sure himself. "At least I hope so." He said.

"Rick! Daryl!" Maggie shouted.

We looked and she pointed at the fence and we ran to try to keep the fence from collapsing. We were killing as much as we can before the fence comes down.

"Are you guys seeing this?!" Sasha exclaimed. "Is someone feeding them?" She asked.

"The fence is coming down!" Maggie exclaimed. We all held the fence up but there's no use. "What are we going to do?" Maggie asked. I looked back at the pig pen then back at her.

"Daryl, get the truck. I know what to do." I said.

He ran to get the truck. I didn't want to do this but I knew I had to. I was going to miss those pigs but I have to let them go so the walkers can stop pushing on the fence.

Maddie's POV:

I was getting worse. Now I have a high grade fever and I'm starting to sweat a lot. I even threw up about four times so far.

"Rick and Daryl wants to talk to you." Caleb said. "You don't have to if you feel too weak to stand." He added.

"It's alright." I said, standing up and walking to the room and walked inside. They went to the window when they saw me enter the room.

"Maddie, you're sweating." Rick said.

"Yeah the doctor said I have a high grade fever and I'm throwing up and I feel worse than I did before. But enough about me, what's going on out there? I heard Maggie shouting." I asked.

"More walkers were at the fence and it almost caved in but I did something I didn't want to do." Rick said, looking down.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"He let the pigs out to draw the walkers away." Daryl said. I was starting to tear up but I knew he had to do it. "And Sasha found some dead rats beside the fence. Apparently someone's been feeding them and we think that's why more are showing up every night." He added.

"That would expla—" I began to say, before having the urge to throw up. Good thing I had a bucket with me. I bent over and threw up and kept my head down until I knew that was all of it. "As I was saying, that would explain it. I wish I was out there helping you all." I said.

"What you should focus on is getting better Maddie. We can take care of things out here." Daryl said.

"I know I just hate being stuck in here and not being able to do anything but just lay there in the bed almost all day." I said. "But the both of you please stay safe out there and I'll be out there as soon as I can." I said, standing up.

"You get better alright. I can't lose my sister and niece or nephew." Daryl said.

"I'll make sure to get better just for you two." I said, winking them then walking back to the bed.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now