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Negan was still in the house with us. We were sitting in the living room with Liam and Judith on the floor. I looked at Liam and saw him putting a block in his mouth.

"Liam, take that toy out of your mouth." I said, sternly. He didn't listen and so I had to take it out of his mouth myself. He started to cry because I took the block out his mouth. "Liam, you could get sick from the germs on the block. I don't want you to get sick, alright." I said, picking him up and started bouncing him while walking around.

I heard Spencer saying that he wanted to talk to Negan, which I was wondering what he wanted to talk to him about. I don't know if it's good or not. Negan walked out and started talking.

"Don't be an asshole Robin. Let him past." Negan told the woman with black curly hair with the tips being blonde. "Wow. Is that for me?" Negan asked. I saw Spencer holding a bottle of what I think is wine.

"We haven't officially met. I'm Spencer Monroe." Spencer said. I was in the house but behind Negan while holding Liam.

The gate soon opened and I figured that Rick and Aaron returned but I can't walk over there. Negan had me follow him near the pool table outside still holding Liam. I feel like Spencer is going to try something but I can't be sure. I don't want to jump to conclusions. Spencer was setting up the pool table for a game with Negan. Negan had his jacket on and obviously had Lucille with him.

"Rick wouldn't do this. He would just be standing there scowling, giving me that annoying side eye he gives me." Negan said. I was holding myself back from hitting him in the back of the head because I don't want to cause any trouble.

"That's actually what I came to see you about. I want to talk to you about Rick." Spencer said, catching my full attention.

"Alright talk to me Spencer. Talk to me about Rick." Negan said, starting the pool game.

"I get what you're trying to do here, what you're trying to build. I'm not saying I agree with your methods but I get it." Spencer said. "You're building a network, you're making people contribute for the greater good. It makes sense." Spencer added.

How the hell does this make sense? He kills people if they don't agree to what he wants. Doesn't Spencer remember that Negan killed both Glenn and Abraham and took Daryl?

"But you should know, that Rick Grimes has a history of not working well with others." Spencer said. What the hell is he talking about?

"Is that so?" Negan asked.

"Rick wasn't the original leader here, my mom was. She was doing really job with it. She died not long after Rick showed up. Same with my brother, same with my dad." Spencer told him.

"Everything was peachy here, for what? Years? Then Rick shows up and suddenly you're an orphan. That is the saddest story I have ever heard. Good thing for you, he's not in charge anymore." Negan said.

"Doesn't matter. His ego's out of control, he'll find a way to screw things up. Try to do things his way. To take over. That's what he did with my mom, that's what he'll do again." Spencer said, starting his turn at the game. Negan looked like he was thinking.

"What exactly are you proposing to be done about that?" Negan asked.

"I am my mothers son, I can be the leader she was. That's what this place needs. That's what you need." Spencer said. I'm so close in hitting Spencer in the head.

"So I should put you in charge? That's what you're saying?" Negan asked.

"It'll be better for this place." Spencer said. Negan drank some more alcohol before speaking.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now