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We finally arrived at the Hilltop and Rick helped me out of the car. We walked to the gate and it opened. I saw Maggie and she looked worried when she saw me. I saw Daryl and he was holding Liam. I smiled and he walked over with him. Rick sat me on a piece of log that was on the ground and Daryl put Liam in my lap.

"Hi little guy, were you being a good boy for everyone?" I said, smiling at him. He babbled at me which made my smile bigger.

"We should get your leg looked at now Maddie." Daryl said.

"Okay." I said. "Liam, your mommy is going to the doctor to check her leg. Alright, I'm going to give you to your dad because he misses you." I said, handing Liam to Rick. Daryl picked me up bridal style and carried me to the medical trailer.

He laid me down on the bed and the doctor came over and took the bandage off my leg and saw the stitches.

"Whoever stitched your leg did a fantastic job." The doctor said.

"It was Rick." I said. I knew he could do it.

"I'm going to have to tell him that but I have to remove them so I can check in the inside." The doctor told me.

"Okay, do what you have to do." I said. "I missed you Daryl." I said, looking at him.

"I missed you too Maddie and I'm glad you're okay, minus the leg wound." He said.

"The thing is, it hurt more getting it stitched than when I got it." I said.

"I expect so, you didn't have any anesthesia or any kind of numbing agent." He said.

"If only I did. I was trying my hardest to stay awake even though sometimes I wanted to close my eyes." I said.

"Good thing you kept your eyes open." He said, chuckling. "But you were always a strong girl." He said.

"You're going to have to hold her hand while I do this." The doctor said, when Siddiq walked inside.

"Alright." He said, grabbing my hand and got ready for me to squeeze the living hell out of it.

"Hey Siddiq." I said.

"Hi Maddie." He said, when the doctor started doing what she had to do.

A while later, I was now in different clothes and I was using the crutches they found somewhere to get around. I was still getting used to them.

"Hey Maggie." I said, smiling. She looked down from the platform and smiled seeing me.

"Hi Maddie, how's it going with those crutches?" She asked.

"I feel like I'm going to fall any moment now. I'm having as much trouble as I did when I first used them except I didn't fall yet." I said, chuckling. She laughed along with me. "I feel like going up there with you but I don't think I can with these." I added.

"Sorry, we don't have crutch ramps to get up here." She said.

"I'll just go hop around, try to get used to these things." I said. I was going to the tent that was to my left when the right crutch slipped which made me fall on the injured leg. "Son of a bitch that fucking hurt!" I shouted.

"Oh my god Maddie!" Maggie shouted. I sat up and held my leg. She got off the platform and came running over to me. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah but I'm just going to sit here for a second until the pain subsides. I've never been good with these. And I jinxed myself." I said. She stayed with me until I was able to stand up again. Maggie helped me stand back up and handed me the crutches. "Thanks." I said, putting the crutches back in my armpits. I made my way to the step in front of the house with Maggie beside me to make sure I don't fall down again. The woman that was watching Liam and Judith, walked over with Liam.

"Judith is taking her nap but Liam wanted to be with his mother." She told me.

"Okay thank you watching them. It means a lot." I said, smiling.

"It's no problem at all." She said, handing Liam to me and I put him in my lap. She then walked away to do what she had to do.

"Look at you Liam, getting older. Stop growing." I said. A few hours later, Liam was back in his crib and finally taking his nap and I was moving around again to get used to the crutches. The gate opened and vehicles drove in. I recognized the first car but not the second one. They came to a stop and Maggie, Enid, and Michonne came out of the vehicle and three people came out of the blue van.

"Hello, I'm Georgie." The blonde haired woman introduced herself, sticking her hand out obviously not seeing the crutches

"I'm Maddie." I said. "And I can't grab your hand unless I want to fall down." I said, looking at my crutches for a second.

"Oh sorry." She said, pulling her hand away. Maggie, Michonne and Enid walked inside leaving me with them. "This is Hilda and Midge." She introduced the two people who are with her.

"Hello." I said. I sat down on the step to take a break from the crutches. I heard Liam crying again and I saw her coming over to me again.

"He wants his mom again but Judith is playing with her toys." She told me. I reached my arms out then put him on my lap.

"That's a cute baby." Georgie said.

"Thank you." I said, when Liam started giggling and bouncing on my leg. (A/N: I forgot how old Liam was so just act like he's six months old.)

"Is he yours?" She asked. I don't like her asking me these questions, especially about my son.

"Yes." I said, hoping to send the signal to not ask anymore question about him. She seemed to have caught the signal because she didn't ask anymore questions.

The door opened and a teared up Enid walked out and went past me. I was curious what happened but I didn't want to be nosy. Liam started babbling at me with his little smile.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now