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I was outside with Daryl while I was holding Liam at the RV, watching him try to fix it. Denise walked over and stopped near Daryl.

"Here. Homemade oat cake. Complex carbohydrates, omega-3s." She said, holding the oat cake towards him.

"Nah, I'm good." Daryl replied.

"It's everything you need in the form of a dessert." I said, making him glare at me which made me chuckle.

"We're gonna make a pit stop. I'll pick up something then." Daryl said, looking back at the engine.

"Like rabies?" Denise asked.

"She's got you there Daryl." I said, chuckling.

"Shut up Maddie." He said, making me laugh more. "Is this cause I tried to get you that stuff?" Daryl asked Denise.

"Yeah." She answered. "And you remind me of someone I used to know." She added.

"Well...I hope it tastes better than it looks." He said, grabbing the cake. "Cause it looks like shit." He added.

"That's mean Daryl." I said, looking at him.

"Shit's still better than roadkill." Denise said.

"Damn this is entertaining to watch." I said, laughing.

She then walked away from us. I walked behind the RV and saw Carl closing a gas can. He looked up when he saw me.

"Hey Maddie." He said, standing up. Liam smiled and giggled then reached out for Carl.

"I think he wants you to hold him instead of me." I said, giggling. Liam smiled when I said that. "Such betrayal." I said, laughing.

"He loves me Maddie, I am his brother after all." Carl said.

I handed Liam to him and Carl smiled at him. Rick then walked over with Judith and joined us.

"Go get your stuff. Gabriel can watch Liam and Judith while we're gone." Rick said.

"No, I'm not coming. Someone's got to stay back, keep this place safe. A kid with a messed up face probably wouldn't make the best impression anyway." Carl said. Rick handed Judith to him and now he's holding both Liam and Judith.

"We'll see you when we get back Carl." I said, walking into the RV behind Rick.

"Let's chew up some asphalt!" Abraham shouted.

Everyone was soon in the RV and we left to go to the community Paul was talking about. I was sitting in the front next to Rick with my legs to the side when I heard Abraham ask Glenn a question.

"When you were, uh, 'pouring the bisquick,' were you trying to make pancakes?" Abraham asked him. I can tell Glenn was confused without even looking at him..

"Uh...yes?" Glenn replied, before looking at Maggie then understood what he meant.

I was holding in my laugh. I then felt Rick put his hand on my knee. I looked at his hand and looked at him, grabbing his hand. He turned his head and looked at me then back at the road.

"I know I'm pretty but look where you're going." I said, causing him to laugh. He then started to slow down.

"Hey Rick, what's going on?" Daryl asked.

"We got a crash ahead." Rick replied.

"It looks like it just happened." I said, looking at the car on its side and an arm moving around underneath the car.

"It's one of ours." Paul said, standing up and went to the door and got out.

I walked out with him and went to the car. Rick then came beside me, scaring the hell out of me. He was aiming his gun at Paul.

"If this is a trick, it won't end well for you." Rick told him.

"My people are in trouble. They don't-we don't have a lot of fighters. I know how it looks but I'll play it out. Can I borrow a gun?" He asked.

"No." Daryl said. "We got tracks right here." He said, pointing at tracks on the road.

We made our way to a building after following the tracks and we had our guns out, aiming at the door while Rick knocked on it.

"They have to be in there." Paul said.

"We moving in or what?" Abraham asked.

"How do we know this ain't firecrackers in a trash can?" Daryl asked.

"You don't." Paul responded.

"We'll get your people. You're staying here with one of us." Rick said. He turned and looked at Michonne.

"That's the deal." She said. Maggie said that she'll stay with him while we went inside.

"You hear me whistle, shoot him." Rick told her.

"I will." Maggie said. We went inside and split up. I was with Abraham looking through a hallway.

We heard a walker and a man yelling out. We headed towards it and a man came out scaring both of us and Abraham grabbed the mans throat and slammed him against the wall.

"Come on man let's go." Daryl said, behind us. "Come on!" He shouted.

Abraham helped the man and we all ran out of the building and climbed back into the RV. I was sitting with Rick again and he put his hand back on my leg.

I was looking at Rick and he must have felt me looking at him and his eyes met mine, making me blush and look away. I heard him chuckle.

"Shut up Rick." I said, chuckling as well. We then heard splashing then the RV got stuck. "This brings back the memory of when I got the car stuck, now you got it stuck this time." I said, trying not to laugh.

"Shut up Maddie." Rick said, laughing. "We're stuck." He told the others.

"No worries. We're here." Paul said, slapping Rick's shoulder. We all got out and and followed him. "That's us. That's the Hilltop." He said.

We looked and saw a tall wooden wall. We all followed him and I almost slipped in the mud but Rick caught me.

"Thanks." I said, looking at him.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now