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I heard yelling coming from outside. I ran and opened the gate to see Daryl, Abraham, and Rosita carrying Eugene.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Some assholes attacked us." Daryl said. I took them to the house that has the medical stuff inside and they put him on the table. "And Denise is dead." He told me. Felt myself tearing up but I have to do something for Eugene. I opened his shirt up and saw that the bullet just grazed him but I have to try to keep an infection out.

"He needs antibiotics to fight any kind of infection." I said.

"We got some medicine from a place that Denise wanted us to go to, maybe there's antibiotics in there." Daryl said.

"Bring it to me. Hershel taught me some names of antibiotics." I said. Daryl ran and got the bag and I opened it and looked through the bottles. I saw penicillin but I was scared to give to him because he could possibly be allergic to it.

"We have to wait until he wakes up and I can ask him but can hand me the alcohol right there?" I said. Daryl handed it to me and I put some on a towel and dabbed the wound slightly. Eugene was now in a bed with gauze on the wound but he was still unconscious.

"Rick's coming." Abraham said, coming inside. "How is he?" He asked, walking over.

"The bullet just grazed him so he'll live but once he wakes he needs to take antibiotics to protect him any kind of infection." I said. "Denise saved his life." I said, when Eugene started coughing and he woke up.

"You here?" Rosita asked.

"Present." Eugene said.

"Good." Abraham said.

"I was not trying to kill you. I was looking for a moment." Eugene told Abraham.

"You found it." Abraham said. I walked over to the chair beside Daryl and sat down.

"Daryl, how did she die?" I asked.

"Got shot in the eye by a bolt from my crossbow. The guy that took it shot it." He told me. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "I don't know to tell Tara about what happened." He said.

"She'll know that you tried to protect her but there was no way you could've seen the people especially coming from the woods." I said.

"She was her girlfriend." He said.

"But that doesn't change the fact that you at least tried." I said, standing up and hugged. "She'll understand Daryl." I added. He hugged me back then we pulled away. "Eugene, you're going to have to take antibiotics to keep away the infection and I need to know if you're allergic to penicillin." I said.

"I'm not." He told me. I nodded my head and got one tablet out of the bottle and walked over to after grabbing a bottle of water and handed them to him. Once he took it, I walked out and sat on the steps just lost in my thoughts about everything.

The days were so calm and quiet but it's not anymore. Now we don't have a doctor here and I'm not good at anything medical, so the only doctor we have now is Dr. Carson and he's at the Hilltop.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now