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We were on the road and we started driving on top of something and a lot of it. I looked out the window and saw dead walkers on the side of road. I came to the conclusion that both vehicles were running them over. No wonder why Aaron said that if we went this way, we'll be in danger. The RV turned and we didn't see the car that the others were in. We saw a flare being shot up into the sky.

"Did you all see that?" I asked.

"What the hell is going on?" Daryl asked.

"Maybe it was the others." I said.

"Let's head there now!" Daryl exclaimed.

We came to a stop and got out. We went inside a building that said supply room and hid there while Daryl was keeping watch. We heard whistling far away and then heard Daryl whistle. There was soon slight banging on the door and I opened it then walked out. I looked to my left and saw Rick and the others. I ran up to Rick and hugged him.

"I'm so glad you're okay Rick." I said, hugging him tight.

"I'm glad you're okay too Maddie." He said, hugging me tight. He pulled away and went to hug Carl.

"I'm happy you're all are okay." I said. "What happened?" I asked.

"There were walkers and we drove into them and the car didn't start up again and so we looked through the woods towards the flare, figuring that's where you all went." Glenn said.

"We thought it was you guys that shot it." I said. "But when we got here, we saw someone and he's injured." I said, looking at Rick. Rick went inside after Aaron. We walked inside and he saw the man named Eric. "Aaron, he has a broken ankle and I did the best I could to help." I told Aaron.

"Thank you so much." Aaron said, hugging me which caught me off guard.

"You're welcome." I said, hugging back slightly. "Now go to him." I said, motioning him to go to Eric.

He ran to him and looked at his ankle then kissed him. I smiled when Rick came inside and went next to me. Aaron and Rick walked out and I stayed with Eric to watch over him.

"May I ask you something?" Eric asked.

"You just did." I said, chuckling. "Of course you can." I said.

"Are you expecting a little one?" He asked.

"Yeah I am." I replied, smiling.

"Congratulations." He said.

"Thank you." I said, when Rick came back in with Aaron.

"Let's go Maddie." Rick said, walking over to me.

He helped me stand up and we walked to the other part of the building the others were at.

"Excuse me everyone." Aaron said. "Thank you. You saved Eric. I owe all of you. And I will make sure that debt is paid in full when we get to our community. When we get to Alexandria." He said. "Now I'm not sure about you but I'd rather not do any more driving tonight." He said. I chuckled slightly at that. "Maybe we can hit the road tomorrow morning." He said.

"That sounds fine." Rick said. "But if we're staying the night here, you're sleeping over there." He said, pointing somewhere." Rick said.

"You really think we have to do that?" Maggie asked.

"He's just being safe since we don't know him." I said, grabbing Rick's arm because I felt like I was going to fall.

"The only way you're going to stop me from being with him right now is by shooting me." Aaron said.

"Rick, let him be with him. Eric isn't in the shape to fight anybody and Aaron will be with him but they won't be able to get out without us hearing them." I said. "And I have to tell you something." I said. "Eric told us where the camp is." I told him.

"And he really was traveling with one other person." Glenn added. "They're both unarmed and one of them has a broken ankle and won't be able to move. I want us to be safe as well." Glenn said. Rick thought about it for a little bit. "I won't be able to give up everything else. I know what I said but it does matter." Glenn said.

"Alright." Rick said, moving out of the way.

Aaron went to Eric while everyone laid down and was getting some rest. I was lying beside Rick with my head on his chest.

"Is something the matter Rick?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I just hope this community is worth going to. But what if it's just a trap for them to kill us?" He asked.

"I understand why you're worried but sometimes you have to take chances. I'm not saying I trust them but I'm giving them a chance especially if it is a place where I can safely give birth without the baby grabbing every walkers attention." I said.

"I know but look at what happened at Terminus, we took the chance and we almost got killed. And when Gareth and his group got to the church, I was scared to lose you all especially you, Carl and Judith." He said.

"But what matters is that we're still here and we won't leave. Especially me because I love you. You're the best thing to happen in my life, so is our baby but making it was amazing if you know what I mean." I said, smirking.

"It was amazing and I can't wait to do it again." He said, kissing me. We then closed our eyes and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now