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We finally got back to Alexandria but we hid the car and our weapons so the Saviors doesn't find them. We walked the rest of the way and went inside.

"Lose the car?" Tobin asked.

"It's somewhere safe." Rick said. "Listen we need to get everyone ready-" He started to say until we heard a motorcycle approaching. Since the gate was still open, we looked past the wall and saw the Saviors approaching. We made it back just in time.

We backed up a bit to get out the way of the trucks driving inside. I looked down, sighing knowing what's going to happen. Once the the trucks came to a stop, we all started walking to them with Rick signaling to shut the gate. We stopped and saw Simon getting out of a truck.

"Rick. Hello and hello again." Simon said.

"We thought it'd be longer?" Rick asked.

"Do you think we're here for a tribute?" Simon asked.

"Is there another reason?" Rick asked.

"Yes there is." Simom replied. "We're here for Daryl." He told us.

"What? Negan took Daryl." Rick said.

"Then your son showed up, Daryl went missing. Might those two things be connected?" He said.

"They're not." Rick said. "We didn't know he was gone until now." He added.

"Then this should be easy. Now everyone find a buddy, you're going to have to follow us around. If he's here, then we all want you to see him die." Simon said. "Maddie, you're buddying up with me." He said, walking towards me. I nodded my head since I can't object. They started breaking everything and I held my tears in because of what they're doing.

We soon came to our food supply and stopped. I'm scared of what's next.

"These are some bare shelving units. You guys have a barbecue or something and not invite us? Seriously this is sad. I hope you're not trying to hide anything from us because that usually doesn't go over very well." Simon said.

"We have a lot of people." Aaron said. "It's getting harder to find stuff and our focus lately has been on finding things that Negan might want. We're still adjusting to the new system." He added.

"We were going to scavenge more today. If you will just wait, we'll bring something back." Rick said. Simon made sure I was close to him just in case someone disobeyed him.

"Relax. We're not here for pickup, good thing we're not. But that day is coming so you best do whatever you need to dig deep. Go the extra mile, take some risks." Simon said, slamming his hands on a shelf which made me jump slightly.

"We will." Michonne said.

"We will very much appreciate that." Simon said. "Now, Negan wants me to bring someone back with me just so you don't try anything. I'm going to choose someone that I know means a whole lot to you and it's this woman right here." He said, holding onto my arm.

"Please don't take her." Rick begged.

"I'm sorry, I have to. Now let's go." Simon said, pulling me along with him. He made me go in the truck between him and another man. I looked out the windshield, looking at Rick with tears in my eyes. "If you try anything, I won't hesitate to kill you." He said, looking at me. I nodded my head scared of what's going to happen and if I get out alive.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now