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I woke up to something coming out of my nose and I sat up and touched below my nose and looked at my fingers to see blood coming.

"Seriously?" I mumbled.

I felt Rick stirring awake and I looked to see him looking at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting up.

"My nose is just bleeding again." I told him. "I think I should have Denise look at it but I don't want to disturb her at this time of night." I said.

"I'll go with you Maddie." He said, getting out of bed.

"You don't have to, I can go by myself." I said, grabbing my robe and putting it on.

"I want to." He said, putting a shirt on.

We both walked to the house Denise and Tara are living in and I knocked on the door. The door opened and Denise stood in front of me.

"Hey Maddie and Rick." She said. "What are you both doing here?" She asked.

"My nose is bleeding again and I thought you should look at it." I told her.

"Okay come on in." She said, opening the door wider and I saw Tara in the kitchen.

"Did we disturb you two?" I asked.

"We were just talking Maddie." Tara said.

Denise had my sit on one of the stools in the kitchen and she took the bandage off my nose.

"It's getting a bit swollen and is discolored a bit but that's normal for a broken nose." She said, looking at it. "I see the blood coming out now. Okay I'm going to have you lean forward and breath through your mouth." She said. I did as she said and leaned forward while she held a towel under my nose but not on it since it'll hurt. "We have to keep the blood from going down her throat." She said.

"How long does she have to lean forward for?" Rick asked, putting his hand on my back.

"It should stop in about 15 minutes." She said.

"I can hold the towel and you both can finish talking." Rick said.

"Okay, we'll be in the living room and I'll come back in 15 minutes." She said, walking into the living room with Tara.

"This doesn't look badass at the moment." I said, chuckling.

Rick chuckled and continued rubbing my back a little bit. Fifteen minutes passed by and Denise came back.

"Let's see if the bleeding stopped." She said. I sat straight again and she looked at it. "Okay I don't see anymore blood coming out but I'm going to put some tissues in your nose to soak up any blood that's still there. I'll also put another bandage on." She told me.

Once she finished, we said good bye and headed back to the house.

"I bet I got some blood on my pillow." I said, chuckling. "I may have to change the pillowcase." I added.

"I think we have to." He agreed.

We walked in our room and turned the light on and saw blood on my pillow. I changed the pillowcase and threw it into the hamper for me to clean later. I put a fresh pillowcase on my pillow then laid down with Rick joining me after turning the light off and shutting the door. We soon fell asleep again.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now