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(Warning: This chapter has gifs that shows gore.)

Me and Rick were downstairs trying to grab and kill a walker so we can cover everyone with it's guts. I didn't gag at the thought since I hunted before all this so I was used to it. I stabbed a walker in the head and Rick pulled it over and we took it upstairs and laid it on its back in front of everyone.

"Do we really have to do this?" Jesse asked.

"If we smell like them, they won't attack us. Rick's done it before and the walkers didn't notice him." I said.

She nodded her head then we all covered ourselves with sheets. I crouched down and stabbed the walker in the stomach and started pulling my knife up towards its throat, cutting it open. Everyone was gagging except for me since I was used to the smell.

I grabbed some of its guts in my hand and started smearing it all over everyone and we ended having to get a second walker. Once we were all covered in walker guts and blood, we went downstairs.

"We all hold hands and don't let go or stop." Rick said.

We all nodded our heads. I had Liam under my sheet and Gabriel had Judith under his. Liam was strapped onto me and the same with Judith but on Gabriel, so we can hold each other's hands. Rick pushed the couch out of the way and we started making our way out of the house.

We were halfway down the street when all of a sudden someone stopped. I turned around and saw Sam just standing there looking at the walkers.

"Sam, come on we have to move." I said, quietly so I don't draw the walkers attention.

We were all yelling and begging Sam to start moving then he was starting to get scared and started crying which drew the walkers attention.

We were all yelling and begging Sam to start moving then he was starting to get scared and started crying which drew the walkers attention

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He was looking at his mother before one walker bit his shoulder and another bit his head, causing him to scream.

"Mom!" He shouted, drawing more walkers.

"Jesse, you have to let go of him." I said. "I know you don't want to but you have to." I said, tears in my eyes. A walker then grabbed her and bit into her shoulder.

Carl was holding her hand and he couldn't get his hand lose because she wouldn't let go of his hand

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Carl was holding her hand and he couldn't get his hand lose because she wouldn't let go of his hand. Rick then started cutting her arm off to get Carl lose. Once Rick got Carl lose, I saw Ron pointing his gun at Rick then shot when Michonne stabbed him with her katana. Now all the Anderson's were dead and I was holding my tears in because now is not the time to start crying.

 Now all the Anderson's were dead and I was holding my tears in because now is not the time to start crying

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"Dad?" Carl said, looking up. The was a hole where his eye was.

He started to fall but I caught him with my arm

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He started to fall but I caught him with my arm. Rick came over and picked Carl up and we started running to a house and went inside. Rick put Carl down on the couch and started crying. We took the sheets off and I walked over to Carl with tears in my eyes. Denise was in the house and so were a couple others but I didn't look to see who they were, I was too worried about Carl. Denise walked over and looked at him and started doing what she could do. I looked over and saw Rick going outside.

"Rick!" I shouted. "Please watch Liam for me." I said, before pulling out my knife and ran outside with Michonne behind me. We saw Rick killing the walkers and we went down started helping him.

"Maddie, get back inside!" Rick shouted.

"Not without you!" I shouted back.

Aaron, Heath, Spencer, Morgan, Carol, Rosita, Eugene, and Tara joined us in killing the walkers while Denise takes care of Carl. We soon heard a machine gun and saw that the others returned.

"Back up!" Rick shouted. We all started to back up and we saw the water catch on fire, distracting the walkers. "Don't let up!" Rick shouted.

We continued killing the walkers until they were all gone by either us killing them or by them burning to death in the water that was on fire. I was covered in blood and I was having pain in my arm but ignored it but I wasn't bit.

In the distance I saw a figured and it was Daryl. I ran over to him and hugged him, crying into his chest.

"What the hell happened?" Daryl asked.

"The tower came down and destroyed the fence and the horde of walkers came through." Rick told him.

"We lost Jesse, Sam, Ron and Deanna. And Carl was shot in the eye." I told him.

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