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We've been on the road for months and we saw a house and stopped there. Lori was getting closer to her due date and we were all getting tired. Me, Rick, Daryl and Carl got out to clear out the house, if there was any walkers. I had my knife in my right hand ready to use when needed. I went upstairs and opened a door slowly and peaked inside, making sure there wasn't a walker. I saw one and quietly walked towards it then stabbed it in the head.

After we finished clearing it out, the others came inside the house. They went into what seemed to be the living room and sat down. Daryl found an owl and killed it. He was removing the feathers so he can cook it for us to eat. I had my back leaning against the wall at the door. Carl came inside with a couple cans of what seems to be dog or cat food. He started opening it and Rick grabbed it, examined it then threw it in the fireplace making Daryl jump slightly.

It was obvious that Rick was getting frustrated and mad about everything that's happened. T-Dog was looking out the window, watching for walkers.

"There's walkers coming this way." T-Dog said. We quickly left the house and went back to the vehicles. I was driving the Hyundai that we had. Daryl was in front of me on his motorcycle and we all drove away. After a couple hours, we stopped on the road. We got out and put a map on the hood of the Hyundai. "We got no place left to go." T-Dog said.

"When the herd meets up, we'll be cut off." Maggie said.

"There's just too many walkers." I said, looking at map.

"That was about 150 head?" Daryl asked.

"That was just last week, there could be more now." Glenn said.

"He's right, more could've joined up with them so there's bound to be way more of them now." I agreed. I was beside Rick, while Lori was still in the truck since she's pregnant and all.

"She can't be traveling much longer, she needs to stay in one place because she could go into labor soon." Hershel said, referring to Lori.

We began walking since the vehicles were out of gas. We came up to a prison that still looked intact. Rick cut the fence and we all went through and they sealed the entrance so walkers can't get through. I was running behind Daryl until we go to the gate. There were walkers all in the field and we were trying to figure out a way to clear them out so we can close the gate at the top.

"Glenn, Maggie and Beth draw the walkers attention to the fence over there and pick them off." Rick said. "Daryl, Carol and Maddie, go on that tower and shoot them from there. Carl and Hershel, you take that tower and shoot them." Rick said.

We all went to our positions and got ready. Lori opened the gate for Rick and ran inside. I aimed my gun and shot. After little while, the field was cleared and the gate was closed. We all then joined Rick in the field and some of us celebrated. We were happy but also a little worried.

It was nighttime and we were sitting around a campfire eating something that Daryl killed. Rick was looking around the perimeter and he's done that about three times.

"If there was any part that compromised, he would've found it by now." Hershel said.

"This is a good place as any to have the baby." Beth said to Lori. Beth's right, we can't move anywhere else while she's getting closer and closer to having the baby.

"Beth, why don't you sing Paddy Reilly for me? I haven't heard that one for awhile, since your mother was alive." Hershel said.

"Please dad not that one." Maggie said. It's understandable why she doesn't want Beth singing that one because it'll remind them of their mother that didn't make it.

"Then what about Parting Glass?" He asked. After a bit, Beth started singing.

Daryl sat down beside me and listened while eating. Rick joined us and Carl gave him a plate. Rick offered Lori some but she didn't want anymore but soon took one because Rick kept insisting her to eat some. I stood up and decided to walk around a little bit because my legs were starting to fall asleep. I heard someone coming behind me and I turned to see it was Rick.

"Are you okay Maddie?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I just had to move around a little bit." I replied. "What about you Rick? Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a lot has been on my mind." He responded.

"Like what? If you don't mind me asking of course." I asked.

"I just don't think it's time to bring a child into this world especially when we have to watch for walkers and other groups that could try to kill us." He said.

"I understand what you mean." I said, leaning against the fence.

"I also feel like they don't think I'm a good leader." He said, looking at the group at the campfire.

"You're a great leader Rick, you're trying your best to keep everyone safe and they know that but they're just shaken up about what happened at the farm." I assured.

"You really think so?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. "I trust you, I know you're doing the right thing." I added, smiling.

"Thank you Maddie." He said, hugging me catching me off guard.

"No problem Rick, you can come to me about anything." I assured, hugging him back.

We pulled away and went back to the group and discussed what we have to do tomorrow.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now