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"How are we supposed to check all these buildings with all the guards around? And we might not have time to check every single one of them." I whispered.

"We'll have to downsize." Rick whispered, starting to walk. We followed him slowly so we don't make a noise but then a twig broke. "It's alright, let's go." He whispered. After a little bit, we got to a building and Rick turned to Michonne. "Is this where you were held?" He asked her.

"They questioned me." She replied.

"Do you know where else they could be holding them?" Rick asked. Me and Daryl saw a few people moving around the streets.

"I thought you said there was a curfew." Daryl said.

"The streets are packed during the day but they're stragglers." Michonne said.

"We can't stay here or else we want to be caught." Rick said.

"They have to be in one of the buildings but which one?" I said.

"They could be in his apartment." Michonne told us.

"What if they're not? What if they're somewhere else?" Daryl asked.

"Then we look somewhere else." Michonne said.

"I thought you said you'd help us?" Rick replied.

"I'm doing what I can." She responded.

"Then where the hell are they?" Oscar asked. We were all wondering that but we have to hurry before we get caught.

"Where is his apartment?" I asked.

"Over there." She answered, pointing to the building.

"If this goes south, we'll cut her loose." Rick said so only me, Oscar and Daryl can hear him.

"You think she might be leading us into a trap?" Oscar asked.

"It's the blind leading the blind, we should split up." Daryl suggested. We started moving again and we were caught.

"I saw you all outside. You all know you're not supposed to be in here. Who is it?" The man asked.

"Get on your knees and hands behind your head." Rick said to the man. "Zip tie him." He said. We quickly did what was told and Rick continued talking. "You're holding our people, where are they?" He asked the guy.

"I don't know." He answered.

After dealing with the guy, we started heading to where he said they were being held. Someone soon saw us. We soon got Maggie and Glenn back.

"In here quick!" Rick shouted. We ran inside and he closed the door.

"There's no way out back here." Daryl said.

"How did you find us Rick?" Maggie asked.

"How bad are you hurt?" Rick asked Glenn.

"I'll be fine." Glenn said.

"Where's that woman?" Maggie asked.

"She was behind us." Rick said.

"Maybe she got caught. Should I go look for her?" Oscar said.

"No, she's on her own. We have to get out of here." Rick said.

"Daryl and Maddie, this was Merle. He did this." Glenn told us.

"Wait, so Merle is here?" Daryl asked.

"Yes but he was going to execute us. He threw a walker at me." Glenn said.

"So our brother is the governor?" I asked.

"No, it's someone else. Merle is his lieutenant or whatever." Maggie said. "And he knows you're both with us." She added.

"Rick, we told them where the prison was. I'm sorry we couldn't hold back much longer." Glenn said.

"It's alright, you don't need to apologize." Rick said.

"You know they're going to be looking for us." Maggie said.

"We have to get back. Are you able to walk? We have a car a few miles away." Rick said.

"Yeah I can." Glenn responded.

"Alright." Rick said.

"If Merle is here, me and Maddie has to see him." Daryl said.

"We're in hostile territory right now." Rick said.

"He's our brother, we-" Daryl began to say before I interrupted him.

"Daryl we can't stay here, look what he did. We have to get out of here." I said.

"Maybe I can talk to him. I might be able to work something out." Daryl said.

"You're not thinking straight Daryl. No matter what you say, they're hurt. Glenn can barely walk." Rick said. "And how will we get out if we're overrun by walkers and this governor catches up to us? We need you Daryl. Are you with us?" Rick said.

"Yeah." Daryl responded.

"We go on three. One. Two. Three. Go!" Rick shouted. We ran out of the building and started shooting.

"Behind you!" Daryl shouted, shooting whoever was behind Rick.

"Get to cover!" Rick shouted. We all went behind cover and started shooting.

"How many are there?" Rick asked.

"I don't know. I didn't see." Oscar said.

"It don't matter there's going to be more, we need to move." Daryl said.

"Do we have anymore grenades?" Rick asked.

"Uh-huh." Daryl replied.

"Get them ready, we have to get to the gate!" Rick said.

"Y'all go ahead I'll cover you." Daryl said.

"No, we have to stay together!" Maggie said.

"I'll be right behind you, now go!" Daryl said. I didn't want to leave but I knew I had to. We began to move to the gate while shooting.

"Daryl!" Rick shouted.

"Go!" Daryl shouted back. We soon made it over the wall.

"They got Oscar." Glenn said.

"Daryl's missing. You didn't see him?" Maggie said.

Michonne then showed up and I didn't notice maybe because of the adrenaline running through me but I got shot in the arm. I didn't feel it happen but now I feel the pain. Rick saw and came over to me. He pulled my bandana off and tied it around my arm to slow the bleeding.

"I brought you here to save them." Michonne said.

"Thanks for helping." Rick said, holding onto me.

"You'll need my help to take them back to the prison or to go back in there for Daryl." She said. I don't want anything to happen to Daryl.

"Please be okay Daryl." I said, in my head.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now