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Me, Rick, Tara, Michonne, Carl, Daryl, and Paul got to an area after driving for a little while. Rick came to a stop we all go out.

"They call it the Kingdom?" Rick asked. To me, it kinda sounds like a good name.

"Yeah. I didn't name it." Paul said.

"How much farther?" Rick asked. I stood beside Rick and looked at Paul waiting for his answer. Me and Paul does get along and we're basically friends now or more like best friends.

"Technically, we're already here." Paul said. "I mean we're always here, but here we are at the kingdom." He added. "It's the outer edge of it." He said.

"What the hell are we waiting on?" Daryl asked, sticking himself out of the car.

"We're waiting for them." Paul said, pointing past me. I turned and saw people approaching us on horses.

"Who dares to trespass on the sovereign land of the—" One of the men asked before stopping. That made him sound like someone on some movie I watched before. "Oh shit." He said. "Jesus is that you?" The man asked.

"Who are all these people, Paul?" The other man asked.

"Hi Richard. Nice to see you." Paul said, walking towards him.

"Nice to see you too. Your friends, who are they?" Richard asked.

"This is Rick Grimes. He is the leader of a like-minded community. These are some of his people. We would like to request an audience with King Ezekiel." Paul told him. Richard got off his horse and walked towards us. I was getting nervous so I got closer to Rick.

"Get out of the car." Richard said, looking through the windshield. "You said they're a like-minded community. Like-minded how?" He asked.

"We live, we trade, we fight the dead. Sometimes others." Paul said.

"Line up." Richard said.

"Okay. This is a waste of time." Daryl said. "Come on let's go." He added, turning back to the car.

"Maybe you're right. The King is a busy man and it's a dangerous world. We don't usually allow a pack of strangers to waltz through our door." Richard said.

"We want to make the world less dangerous, and we are all here to show the King how serious we are about that." Michonne said.

"The car stays outside. You got to hand over your guns." Richard said.

"We only have two." Rick said. Only Rick and Carl have guns and they handed them to Richard.

"Okay, follow me." Richard said. We all started following him. He then stopped and looked at me. "What's your name?" He asked me.

"Maddie." I replied.

"You can get on the horse Maddie. I'll help you up." He said. I looked at Rick and he nodded his head.

I walked closer to the horse and Richard helped me onto the horse and I held onto the handlebar thing on the saddle. We then started moving again.

"Before we go in, you have a brain and a backbone, so I'm talking to you not Gregory. Whatever you're trying to start here, another protection pact, a trade, none of it matters if we don't start dealing with the real problem—" Richard started speaking. "The Saviors." He added. I looked at Rick with a smile since I've always wanted to be on a horse and he smiled seeing me having fun on the horse.

"You know Richard I have never seen you smile. I think it's going to change today." Paul said. We soon arrived at a big place with a lot of people walking around doing different things.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now