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I woke up and stretched before getting out of bed. I left the room after putting on my clothes. I saw Alden walk out of his room and he smiled when he saw me.

"Morning Maddie." He said, smiling.

"Morning Alden. How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Pretty good. How about you? Have any bad dreams?" He replied.

"Thankfully I slept good and didn't have any bad dreams." I said. We both walked downstairs together and walked outside. I saw Rick here and he saw me then walked over. "I thought we were going to meet at Alexandria?" I said.

"I wanted to ride back with you to make sure you get there safely." He said. He always worries about me.

"Okay." I said, smiling. I turned to Alden and hugged him. "I'll see you when we come back." I said.

"Okay. Be safe you two." He said. We pulled away then me and Rick left to go back to Alexandria. We soon went through the gates and I saw Judith playing with Michonne and Liam playing with Daryl.

"Mommy and daddy's back!" Liam shouted, once he saw us. I crouched down and he ran into me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey Liam, were you being a good boy while we were gone?" I asked.

"Yes I was mommy." He said, before looking at Rick. "Daddy." He said, reaching out to him.

"There's my little man." Rick said, holding him. I picked Judith up and bounced her up and down in my arms.

"They missed you both. So much, they didn't want to sleep." Michonne said.

"We missed you both too but now we're both here." Rick said. We carried them to the house with Michonne and Daryl following us. We put them down when we got inside and they ran and got their toys and brought them into the living room and started playing with them.

I walked outside while Rick was talking to Daryl. Liam followed me, carrying the little box of chalk and so we walked to the sidewalk and I sat down on the ground with Liam and we started drawing on the sidewalk.

"Mommy look. I drew you." Liam said. I looked at the drawing and laughed.

"That's mommy?" I asked.

"Yeah you have a big belly." He said.

"Mommy has a big belly?" I said, laughing harder. "I did when I was pregnant with you but I didn't know I still had a big belly." I said. I turned my head slightly and saw Negan watching us. From what I can tell from where I am, he was smiling.

"Mommy is fat." Liam said, giggling.

"Liam! I'm not fat!" I said, laughing to the point my stomach was hurting. "The kids you get these days." I said, calming down. "Who's the man beside me?" I asked.

"That's Uncle Daryl. Uncle Daryl is awesome!" He said.

"Yes he is." I agreed. "What about daddy?" I asked.

"Daddy is going over here with Judith." He said. I smiled and he went back to drawing. I wouldn't trade Liam for anyone else, he's one of a kind. Out of nowhere, he threw the chalk at me and it got on my shirt. He stood up and started running.

"Come back here you little stinker!" I shouted, chasing after him but in smaller steps. He was giggling while running and I soon caught him. "Mommy's got you." I said, picking him up and spinning him around.

"I love you mommy." He said.

"I love you too little buddy." I said, hugging him. I saw Rick walking towards us.

"What's going on over here?" Rick asked, chuckling.

"He threw his chalk at me and I chased after him." I told him.

"Liam, don't throw the chalk at mommy." He said. "Say sorry to your mommy." He said.

"I'm sorry mommy." Liam said, pouting.

"It's alright Liam, I'm not mad." I assured him. "So Rick, what are you going to do?" I asked him.

"We're going to fix that bridge tomorrow." He told me.

"Okay but I'm going with you to help out." I said.

"I know it's no use in arguing with you so okay you can come." Rick said, chuckling.

"You know me so well." I said.

"I sure hope so. We've been married for three or four years." He said, smiling. We then went to do what we had to do.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now