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We were all in a the main room with Paul. I was sitting in a chair and Rick was sitting on the arm rest of the chair that I'm sitting in. I put my head against his arm, just resting it there.

"We want to generate trade. Gregory does. But ammo isn't something we urgently need." Paul told us.

"Well how's that?" Rick asked.

"The walls hold. We just brought in more medicine. Gregory wants the best deal possible." Paul said.

"Yeah, well, we want things too." Daryl said.

"We need food. We came all this way, we're gonna get it." Rick said.

"I will talk to him and we will work this out. Circumstances change. We're doing well now and you will next. I will make him understand that. Can you give me a few days?" Paul asked.

"We can." Michonne answered.

"Yeah." Rick said.

We then heard yelling coming from outside which made us stand up. A man walked through the front door and Gregory came out the room to the side.

"What's wrong?" Gregory asked.

"They're back." The man told him. Gregory nodded then started walking out with us following.

"Ethan, what happened to everybody else?" Gregory asked. "Where's Tim and Marsha?" He asked.

"They're dead." Ethan told him.

"Negan?" The Gregory asked.

"Yeah." Ethan answered.

"We had a deal." Gregory said, putting his hands on his hips.

"He said it wasn't enough." The man behind Ethan said. "Was the drop light?" The man asked.

"No." Gregory answered.

"They still have Craig." The woman said.

"They said they'd keep him alive, return him to us, if I deliver a message to you." Ethan said.

"So, tell me." Gregory said.

"I'm sorry." Ethan said, putting his hand on Gregory's shoulder then stabbed him in the stomach.

Me and Rick charged at Ethan and grabbed him. Ethan then pushed me off and I fell to the ground while Rick was fighting him. Rick got him to the ground and started punching Ethan in the face. The other man pulled and threw Rick onto the ground and Abraham tackled him to the ground.

Ethan grabbed the knife and was going to stab Rick but Rick tackled him again and Ethan was trying to get his grip on the knife. I saw Abraham getting choked by the other man and I ran over and tried to pull him off of him but he pushed me away. Daryl ran over and pulled the mans arm and twisted it around and I heard a pop meaning Daryl most likely broke his arm. I saw Rick on his back and Ethan had his knife to his neck.

"Hey!" Glenn shouted, running over.

"Stay back! Anybody who tries to stop me is killing my brother!" Ethan shouted. I felt tears building up in my eyes, scared Rick was going to get killed.

"Drop it." Michonne said.

Ethan looked behind him and saw Michonne putting her hand on her sword. Rick then stabbed Ethan in the neck and pushed him off. He stood up with blood all over him.

"What?" Rick asked, turning around.

"What?" Rick asked, turning around

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Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now